Chapter 10: Past

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(Sayori pov)


I wake up to my alarm clock beeping. Its been just yesterday since monika came back,and all this time I thought it was a nightmare. But I already knew it wasn't.

I head out of my house to see mc walking up to me. "Oh hey sayori, I was heading over to you in case you were sleeping still".

"Oh I'm alright ,let's head to school." I grabed mc's hand as we head down the street.

"Wow Sayori your really hyper today,most times you sleep, but now it's like you ate candy for breakfast". "Heh heh right." I replied staying on my cherry self.

(Sometimes I feel anxious when he says I "sleep late" It's just...... brings me bad thoughts in my head...)

I shook off my thoughts as I see monika walking a yard away from me and mc (as a president I can see a person 2feet beyond the average person can see) however I stay silent and continued to walk.

Before I know it school is over and it's time for club. I walked slowly to the club and opened the door. I see everyone there including monika. "Hey sayori ready for club?" I hear monika say in a happy way .

"Yeah I'm ready". I say smiling

I look at Monika while she's talking with natsuki , smiling, laughing at Natsuki small joke. I can't help but feel pissed as she continued with her thing.

( soon as the iPad is fixed I'm deleting you for good)
Speaking of the iPad it's still not deleting her file.. it'll take forever to get it fixed.

Well until it's fixed I'll have to tolerate with your existince for now.

Bonus: sorry if the story is short.. I got school) :')

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