Facts of Au part 2

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1. Yuri parents are deceased,both died when yuri was just born.

2. A cupcake in my au represents a person (by the icing) a bite represents how much the person means to the other. (Small bite=hate, big bite= love) so try to look at the cupcakes more meaningful now

3. Visual wall (not to be confused with tv or scanner) is to show that the void is known to be like a (for ex: a living room and that whould mean the world they live in is like a tv (just to watch) like a movie being played,and like every movie when it ends it replays.

4. Natsuki and yuri are having a hard time thinking if Sayori and monika are have a relationship behind their back.

5. Each fact I bring in (1-5) is to show that there are 5 main characters here (however mc is not a main character)

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