Chapter 13: Present (Part 3) Final

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"well I'll tell what I want to do". Monika said standing up as if it was a important event .

Sayori watched in bordem yet curious of what she will say for her "Future"

Monika took a deep breath and spoke.

"What I want to grow up huh?
It's been a while since anyone said that,so forgive me if I stamer."

"I don't know to be honest,I could be a lot of things, a success or a failure, but to my true thoughts, I want to enjoy life, in my own "special place" .

I want to enjoy it as long as I have ,for enternity.... That's my thought".

There was silence in the room. Until Sayori forced herself to clap in awe, her mother followed but not forced. "My that sounds wonderful and mysterious". Monika smiled in thanks.


"Well thank you for inviting me for dinner it was delicious".

"Your welcome dear just come by anytime". Sayori's mom said as she went washing the dishes. "Here let me walk you to the door !" Sayori said as she (some what pushed) monika toward it.

"Well...thanks for inviting me Sayori". Monika said back to her normal voice.

"Don't bother thanking me I'm just testing you for your damn excuses"

Monika said nothing and was about to leave when Sayori stopped her. "Hold on one last question"...

"What even is this"special" place you say"?

Monika stared at her for a few minutes before smiling oddly and leaning in the word.


(End of the parts)

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