-3.2 apologies?

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chapter thirty-two!

ALEX HATED THAT SHE wouldn't be able to afford anything more than a graveside service for her mother. She could barely afford that. Her mother was buried near the headstone they'd paid for for Lucas. Due to even worse financial struggles back then, they couldn't even bury Lucas— they had to settle for cremation. They'd scattered his ashes over a small field of daisies. Lucas loved daises. He loved all flowers, really. Hockey may have been Alex's thing, but collecting and studying flowers was Lucas's. After a couple of years, they'd been able to save up enough to pay for a small headstone at a nearby cemetery. It was small, sure, but Alex visited it whenever she could. Her mother's headstone was to be placed beside of his. Alex couldn't even look at it— this was the place where her family laid dead in the ground.

Only a few people showed up to the service; a few of the doctors who'd grown to know Xolani, Shelly, Tory, Hawk, Casey, and a few others. Miguel remained in the hospital, still in a coma.

Even though her friends constantly surrounded her, she'd never felt more alone in her life.

Her friends were consistently checking in on her— everyone was extremely worried about the injured, heartbroken girl. Alex hated the sympathy she was receiving, and chose to ignore it. Instead, she buried herself in work and studies and visits to the hospital.

She hated staying at her own apartment— everything there a reminder of what she'd lost. However, there was no alternative. She wouldn't stay with the Diaz's; they had enough to worry about as it is. She wouldn't stay at the LaRusso's, as all they gave her was sympathy stares and an overwhelming amount of love. And while she loved them all as much, it was still definitely too much. She wouldn't stay at Tory's, as she also had too much on her plate. Casey was the only feasible option, but Alex preferred not to be consistently third wheeling— due to the fact that Hawk basically lived at her house and their favorite pastime was making out on the living room couch.

Partially in avoidance of going home and mostly to pay the bills, she buried herself in work. Daniel refused to work her over a certain amount of hours per week, but the diner was fully open to giving Alex several double shifts. Jamie wasn't to happy to hear that her favorite coworker was working herself to death, but she didn't really have much control over that.

The only person with which she confided in was Seth. He'd been by her side constantly, the two developing a stronger brother-sister bond that nobody could break. When he'd found out what had happened, it took both Noah and Chris to hold him back from actually killing Mya. He took most of the turns walking her home from work, and the plan was for him to do so today. However, something came up and he couldn't— making Alex promise to call one of her friends to take his place.

Alex never got the chance to be alone, so she lied and never called anyone. She was a big girl; she could walk herself home.

About ten minutes into her walk, she heard a strangely familiar voice call her name from behind. Alex sucked in a deep breath, coming to a stop before turning around. "Mya?"

"Alex. Hi," said the blonde as she stopped to catch her breath. It was clear that she'd ran to catch up to the girl. Brushing the strands of hair that had fallen from her ponytail behind her ear, she gave Alex a small smile.

"Hey?" responds Alex, questioningly. She already had a splitting headache, one that refused to go away. Her hands began to shake again inside her hoodie pocket, but Alex thought little of it. Her hands were constantly trembling, so it wasn't a big deal. She was a little nervous, though. What could Mya possibly want?

"Okay, so I'm sure that I'm the last person you want to see right now but I really need to say something," said the girl in a rushed voice. Mya fidgeted with the rings that littered her fingers, making sure to stay a few feet away from Alex; hoping not to scare her.

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