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Annabeth had travelled across the country. Finally she and Percy stood hand in hand in front of her old house. Mount Tam loomed in the distance, but the mountain didn't scare her anymore. She knew Atlas was up there, and for him, all was lost.

Percy stared at the mountain, too. "Gods. That was... Four years ago?"

Annabeth nodded. "Anyway, we don't need to worry about it. Let's go."

But Professor Chase had seen them from a window, and he was already rushing out the front door.

"Dad!" Annabeth cried, and she ran forward to hug him.

They cried and hugged. Mrs Chase appeared at the door, her two sons behind her.

"It's so nice to see you again, Percy," she said, and she sounded like she meant it.

Percy walked up and shook hands with her, and then said hello to Annabeth's brothers. Annabeth and Mr Chase walked up to the front door. Ms Chase hugged Annabeth, and although it was a little awkward, Annabeth knew her stepmom meant well.

They went inside and sat in the dining room. Mr Chase wanted to know every little detail of Percy and Annabeth's adventure, so they were forced to tell it again. He listened and nodded and put in little comments like, "Oh, gods, that's horrible."

Mrs Chase listened, too, and she even made them some cookies.

When they finished telling the story, Mr Chase hugged his daughter again, and said, "I'm so glad you're okay. I love you."

"Love you, too, Dad."

"So, will you two be staying long?" Mrs Chase inquired.

"No," Annabeth admitted. "We've got some friends in the neighborhood to visit."


Hey guys! I've had this idea in my head for a while, and I finally wrote it today. I'm still working on the other long story I told you about in a previous chapter. I'll probably write and upload the chapter that I hinted at in this one tomorrow, where Percy and Annabeth visit Camp Jupiter. After that I might write one final chapter where they go back to CHB and end the year. Other than this mini-series, I'm running low on ideas. If anyone has a request, I'll be glad to take it:)

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