Camp Jupiter

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The Romans were back in full swing. Training was going on as usual, war games were being played, senate meetings were being held (without Octavian).

The best part was that each demigod lived with the fact that they'd won the war. There was nothing left to worry about. Also, they'd made peace with Camp Halfblood and made tons of new friends. Things were looking up.

What they didn't expect was their old and temporary praetor to visit with his girlfriend.

The guardsmen were more than pleased to see them, and Percy was going to tell them to announce their arrival, but Annabeth put a hand on his chest.

"Wait," she said. "I have a better idea. Take my cap, find them, sneak up on them, and say, 'hey.'" She turned to a guardsman. "The cap will make him invisible, but I won't be. Can you sneak me around so I can watch?"

He smiled and shook his head. "You Greeks. Always full of trickery. Yeah, I'll do it."

Not too long after that, Percy had spotted Hazel and Frank and Reyna together.

All in one place, he thought. Perfect.

He walked up behind them as quietly as possible, then leaned in between Hazel and Frank.

Hazel stiffened, sensing him there, but didn't have to time to turn around before Percy said, "Beware the deceitful Greeks."

He had strayed from Annabeth's plan, but Hazel's expression was priceless. He stepped away when she turned around.

"What was that?" Frank asked. "Did you hear something about... deceased-full Greeks?"

"No," Hazel said. "Deceitful. I felt someone there. Gone now."

"Maybe it was a Lar?" suggested Reyna.

Hazel shrugged. "Let's keep going."

Percy glanced over at Annabeth. She had been given armor and legion things to wear. Her hair was tucked into a helmet, and she was walking with the guardsman. She blended in with everyone else.

She was also within earshot, holding a hand over her mouth, trying not to smile.

Percy gave her a thumbs-up, then remembered she couldn't see him. He smiled at his mistake and this time, walked up behind Frank.

"Beware the disrespectful harpies," he said, coming up with it as he went along.

Frank whipped around, but Percy backed up just in time.

"Who's there?" Frank asked. Percy held his laughter in.

"I felt it again," Hazel said.

"And I recognize that voice," Frank said. "Is it Percy?"

"Couldn't be," Reyna said. "They'd tell us if he were here. Like I said, it's probably just a Lar imitating him. What did it say?"

"'Beware the disrespectful harpies,'" Frank said.

Reyna smirked. "Sounds like something Percy would say. Anyway, let's go."

Percy tried to sneak up on Reyna. It didn't work. He only got to whisper 'beware' before Reyna turned around and kicked him in the chest.

Percy slammed into the floor. His cap came off, but it didn't matter. He was cracking up.

Annabeth ran up from behind and helped him up, laughing the whole time.

Reyna recovered from her shock the quickest. "Sorry, Percy. It was reflexes."

"Worth it," he said.

They all laughed.

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