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At Percy and Annabeth's wedding, Professor Chase seated himself in a random chair. The ceremony hadn't started yet, and everyone was still bustling about, but he sat and watched the commotion.

He had seen Annabeth's dress earlier. It was a simple sleeveless white ball gown style, but the hem was embroidered with tiny gold and turquoise designs. At the waist there was a silvery belt with fake diamonds inlaid in the fabric, almost like someone had bent a princess's tiara out of shape and made a belt with it. The skirt of the dress had a transparent, almost invisible and very thin piece of tule over it, but when a stream of light touched the fabric, it reflected a subtle gold color.

Her hair wasn't done up or anything. It had grown very long, and it was still curly. She simply washed it with a shampoo she said was from Piper, and it was shiny to the point of being reflective. The curls fell down her back.

He'd only visited her briefly a few minutes before. Now he waited.

He thought about when he'd first met Percy all those years ago. He'd been so urgent to get to Mount Tam. He hadn't even taken a cookie.

He was so deep in thought he didn't notice someone sliding into the seat next to him until she cleared her throat.

When he looked at her, he thought he was hallucinating. He rubbed his eyes. She remained right where she was.

"Athena?" he asked. Although he knew in his heart he still loved the woman, he merely stared in wonder. He didn't try to hug her or even shake her hand.

"Yes," said the woman. "It has been a long time, Frederick."

"Long time," he said as he exhaled. "A long time... are you here to see Annabeth?"

"Indeed. I would not miss her wedding."

Was she really there? Was that really the goddess of wisdom? He decided yes to both questions.

"Is... Is your father okay with you being here?" he asked. He knew about how gods weren't supposed to interfere with their children.

She smiled. It was the same smile he'd fallen in love with all those years ago. It was the same smile he still loved. "Yes, Zeus would not approve of me being here. But his child, Jason, recently married, and he attended the wedding. He cannot blame me for being here. Either way, I've always been his favorite child. He won't stay mad."

Before he could ask another question, she said, "Frederick, I am here for Annabeth. I will see her now. But please don't dwell on me. I have seen many men do as you do, and if anything, it saddens me. Annabeth has explained to many people that my children are a gift I bestow on the man I favor. Keep that in mind, and you and I will be fine."

She got up and walked towards where Annabeth would be. She took her time. She looked at all the mortals with a strange expression on her face. It was a combination of superiority and recognition, particularly in the direction of a man who stood in solitary, the same superior look in his eyes. When he noticed her, he didn't look surprised. He nodded at her.

Professor Chase became so transfixed on who the man might be,that he forgot to look back at Athena. When he finally glanced over, she was gone.

He remembered her words, and tried to interpret them. What he figured out was he should not keep thinking about her. Annabeth was a symbol of her appreciation. He loved his daughter, and she seemed to care for her, too. If Annabeth was the symbol of their short lived romance, and Athena cared for Annabeth, the goddess still appreciated him. He smiled at the thought.

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