Time to Start

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His senior year of college in New Rome, Percy decided he'd waited long enough. It was time.

He just needed a way to make his wish a reality. He got his solution on a Saturday.

He and Annabeth were walking around in San Francisco. They visited her father, who was happy to see them, but they continued walking around, and Percy spotted what he needed. He hadn't imagined it quite like that, but it would work. After memorizing the street name, he and Annabeth returned to Rome, and went back to their dorms. All he needed now was permission.

The next day, he went to speak with the praetors. Frank and Reyna weren't a hundred percent on board with his plan, but he was able to bend some rules.

He was so excited he forgot to tell Annabeth where he would be all day.

He snuck out, back to the street corner, and found a horrible sight. What had once been a happy thing was now gruesome. The day before, he'd seen a wild cat with some kittens, and planned on getting Grover to come and talk to the mommy cat. But now he saw he wouldn't need to.

An eagle was twitching a few feet away, trying to move, but its wing was broken.

The mother cat had deep gashes up and down her torso which could only have been made my talons. Fleas and maggots had already turned her into a feast. It was obvious the eagle had attacked a kitten and the mom had fought.

There were four kittens. Each of them had tufts of fur which were still growing, and the colors were different variations of gray and white. Their eyes were forest green. He couldn't see any outside problems, but knew they could have fleas, and they needed food.

They were too weak to respond harshly to his touch. It seemed as though the eagle hadn't harmed any of them.

They lay still in the carrier he'd brought. Their eyes were closed. He knew kittens needed a lot of food. Starvation would take them soon.

He got them to a vet in Rome. They were too weak even to eat, so the vet had to use a dropper with kitten milk in it. She said they had fleas, and it would be better if she kept them for the night.

Returning to Annabeth was harder than he would've imagined. It was actually like a reenactment of when they saw each other after Hera wiped his memory: a bone crushing hug, a slap across the face, and a threat.

"Where have you been?!" she demanded.

"Saving lives," he said. She took it as sarcasm and let it go, then hugged him again. "I don't care if you're saving lives or getting a burger. Tell me."

"Okay. I promise I'll tell you." She pulled away, her hands still on his shoulders, and rose an eyebrow.

"I swear on the River Styx."

"There you go. Now get to bed. It's like, twelve."

He didn't argue.

The next morning, he visited the kittens.

"They're doing much better!" the vet exclaimed. "They've all eaten, but they still need a lot. Feed them four or five times a day. I gave them their shots. All kittens need eyedrops when they're born, so I took care of that, and put some in a bottle for you to take. I just need to give them baths- that should take care of the flea problem."

Percy beamed. "I'd like to be a vet if it means making people as happy as you just made me. I'm the son of Poseidon, or Neptune, by the way. Maybe I can look after dolphins."

The vet laughed. "Sounds like a plan. Pleased to meet you, son of Neptune. Anyway, you wanna help?"

A half hour later, there were four healthy but slightly weak kittens huddling under a blanket and drying off.

"They're all good to go! Just get some food and kitten milk, and a litter box. They'll be fine. Shame about their mom, though."

Percy thanked her and went to see the praetors.

Frank, after seeing the kittens, completely sided with Percy. He turned into a cat and cuddled up with them. Reyna admitted they were cute. Percy took that as permission.

He almost forgot to take Frank out, which was a little messy because he had changed into a kitten identical to the others, but Percy figured it out. He left Frank the Praetor Cat on the desk and walked out casually.

Great, he thought, Now I just have to convince Annabeth. He lugged the kittens to right outside the door to her dorm room. He picked one up and held it carefully behind his back. It took all of his willpower to maintain a poker face. He knocked.

Annabeth opened the door.

"Hey," she said.

"Hi. We need to talk. I'm thinking... We've waited long enough. It's... Time."

Confusion presented itself on her face. "Time for what?"

"To start a family." He paused, half for dramatic effect, and half to see the look on her face. Then he brought the kitten from behind his back.

She gawked at it for a second, but then laughed. "Percy, you could not have done anything more perfect. Excellent performance." She scooped the kitten up. Being a genius and all, she knew how to tell the difference between boys and girls.

"A girl," she announced. "What about her name?"

"Wait." He brought the remaining three kittens inside. Her eyes widened.

"We can't look after four, Seaweed Brain. We don't have enough denarii, or mortal money."

"I thought about that. Why don't we keep two, and give the others to Jason and Piper? They'll be thrilled. Hazel can shadow-travel us back to Camp Halfblood."

"Perfect. They'll live in your dorm? What do Reyna and Frank think about this?"

"Gods, they're both in love with the idea. When I left, Frank was a kitten."

She laughed again. "Okay." She picked up another one. "This one's a boy. Name ideas?"

"We need Greek mythology names, no doubt," he said.

"How about Echo?"

His face lit up. "Perfect! Because all she can say is Meow!"

She smiled, then rolled her eyes. "Geez, Percy. Never would've thought of that."

He ignored her sarcasm and kept brainstorming. Over the years, he'd learned a lot about the myths. Most of the names were too long, and the short names normally belonged to people who'd suffered terrible fates.

Annabeth also seemed to realize this while she was brainstorming. Then something came to her.

"Telemachus," she said. "The son of Odysseus. It's long but it's perfect. We can call him Tell for short, or something like that."

He grinned. "Echo and Tell. I might call him Teletubby."

She laughed. "For once, you were right. We've waited since we were seventeen. It really is time to start a kitten family."


This oneshot is dedicated to my cat. His name is Leonidas, Leo for short. Honestly, no cat could have a better name.

PS. I have one more Percabeth idea, then I have no clue. I'll probably write some Caleo or something, because I think we all need to be told they had a happy ending.

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