Blue Coral

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Annabeth sighed. "You're going to get us both killed," she said as she let her breath out.

"Annabeth, you've got a bubble. You can breathe. You're not even wet."

"That's not what I'm worried about. Do you really think taking me to your dad's palace is a good idea at all? What's a daughter of Athena doing in the ocean? Poseidon HATES Athena."

"Which is why I'm here. With me, you won't be interrogated. Probably. And besides, everyone's asleep there."

"That's reassuring," she said flatly.

They were simply looking for a birthday present for Hazel. They decided she'd seen enough precious jewelry in her life, but none of it had been from the ocean. Percy was looking for something in particular, and he knew exactly where it was.

The two had been brainstorming gift ideas at the beach. Percy sat in the water. Annabeth told him he was less of a Seaweed Brain when he was near the water. And then he'd been compelled to bring her to his father's palace. The water was clear and warm, and Percy inhaled it like a fresh breeze. Annabeth got an air bubble, and he got good ideas. It was quite a nice arrangement.

And his first idea was a piece of coral. The stuff grew all over the palace. But sneaking Annabeth in wouldn't be easy.

They passed several distressed looking fish on the way, all clearly confused about Annabeth's presence.

Finally they arrived. She gaped at the underwater palace before her. It actually had a front entrance and everything. Percy casually swam into the building. All the residents were surely sleeping, because there was no activity around them.

She saw the coral Percy had mentioned and it reminded her of her own piece- a bright red color, the one Percy had gotten for her before Hera captured him.

"Very rare," he'd told her. "Had to crawl through the Tartarus of the ocean to get it." She'd just grinned and kissed him.

Now he was tearing a chunk of the blue coral off the wall. "I'll just shape it into a necklace later, and there. An underwater seaweed gift."

"One perfect package of Seaweed Brain's seaweed gift," she agreed.

"Hey, you have to admit this was a good- Oh My Gods!"

Percy swam forward to some annoyed looking mermaid with a forked tail. He'd appeared from a hallway leading further into the palace.

"Triton! How's my half brother been? I guess you've been helping dad with all his, ah, duties while Annabeth and I saved the world?"

Triton looked... Well, he looked pissed. "Percy Jackson," he said through clenched teeth. "Do not mock me."

"Mock you? Never! Have you met my girlfriend? She's a clever, beautiful, blond bad ass daughter of Athen-"

Annabeth grabbed his arm, waved goodbye to Triton, and swam to the door they'd entered through.

"Now," she said, trying to keep her voice level. Percy normally didn't mock random people he came across. "Tell me what that guy did to deserve that! Did he disrespect the almighty Percy Jackson?"

"He practically laughed at me but saluted Tyson."

"We'll have to come back and have this clever, beautiful, blond bad ass teach him a lesson."

"Oh, certainly. Little wimp deserves an Olympian sized spanking."

They swam back to Camp, discussing the punishment Triton would get.

Meanwhile, the mermaid looked at the stupid piece of coral Percy had tried to rob. What a strange demigod he was.

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