Percabeth in Paris

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After their dinner in Paris, Percy and Annabeth decided to wander through the city and find a French dessert shop.

Annabeth's hand slipped into his as she stared at the buildings around her.

The architecture was so unique and beautiful. She got tons of ideas for her Olympus project. She began to ponder how much extra math would be needed to get the curved pieces to fit when suddenly, she felt herself take a sharp turn. Returning to consciousness, she saw Percy tugging her down a side street by her hand.

"You drifted off again, Wise girl," he said with mock annoyance.

She smiled. "Can't help it. This place is amazing. Hermes is the best for letting us come. Where are we going?"

He didn't answer. Instead, he stopped in front of a store with a French name that Piper later translated to "Candy and Cookies". The window display racks were filled with different colored sweets. Annabeth saw small cubes of fruit flavored gummies covered in powdered sugar. There were chocolate bars by a brand she'd never heard of.

But what caught her attention the most were the macaroons. They were small cookie sandwiches with a diameter of one inch. The fillings ranged from simple vanilla frosting to raspberry buttercream. She'd always wanted to try one, but never gotten around to it.

"We're going here," she decided, and led Percy in.

The woman behind the counter had a heavy accent, but understood English well enough to communicate.

Annabeth ordered five vanilla, and Percy got a blueberry flavor because they were the only blue ones. They sat at a table with a window view and ate their goodies.

The macaroons were delicious. Annabeth's teeth sunk right into the soft cookie. She thought about the Greek desserts she'd eaten before. The Greeks may have been geniuses, but the French held the title for best cooks.

When they were finished, they left the shop and sat on a bench, gazing at the sunset. Their day was almost over. She sat up straight and kissed him, her right hand pulling him closer by the back of his neck. He put his hands on her back, tugging her forward until she was almost in his lap.

They stopped to take a breath.

"Your kisses," he said, "are sweeter than the cookies."

Annabeth blushed and giggled. She cuddled up to him. "I love you, Seaweed Brain," she murmured.

"You too, Wise Girl."

They witnessed the last moments of a French sunset before they were transported back to Camp Halfblood.

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