Video Games

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A few days after Leo found Calypso, he took her into the Hephaestus cabin.

They sat on Leo's bunk and it carried them down to a private room.

Leo had gotten Connor Stoll to steal a video game console from a store on Long Island. It was an old Game Cube. Connor had only brought one game: Mario Party.

Calypso had never heard of or seen a video game, much less all the electronics hidden in the secret room. She gaped at everything she saw, wondering how much she'd really missed on Ogygia.

Leo taught her how to use the controller, and she caught on quick. In no time, they were playing Mario Mini Games.

"Do you even know how any of this stuff works?" Calypso asked after her character rolled a six.

"Sure I do. The circuit breaker in the wall is where the wires connect to, and although they're covered in rubber, the metal inside is a conductor, so-"

"Okay, I'll never understa- Styx! I landed on a space with the deformed looking brown guys!"

"They're called oompa-loompas, and they help you, silly," he said as he tickled her stomach.

She giggled and Leo's character rolled the dice. He landed a two. Mario walked ahead two spaces, and landed on the tile that blows you back to the start. Leo cursed in Greek.

Calypso laughed. "Ha. I assume that's karma."

Leo facepalmed. "Karma?! For what?"

"Breaking my dining set."

"That's ridiculous."

"No way. It was a nice dining set."

"So you're saying you'd rather I never landed on Ogygia and you could keep your stupid table over meeting me?"

"That's precisely what I'm saying."

Leo pretended to look hurt, then attacked her with hugs and kisses.

In the commotion, Leo accidentally hit the button to make them rise up. They didn't notice.

Meanwhile, Nyssa and Jake walked into the cabin with a good view of their head counselor attacking his girlfriend.


I was having a temporary writer's block, and then I noticed the Game Cube on the table in front of me. So Caleo and Oompa Loompas were introduced to each other for the first time. This is what happened. Hope you liked it:)

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