Enchanted Pens

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Percy, for the first time in a while, was experiencing a dreamless sleep.

The Argo II was short on its way to Athens, and although Percy was exhausted, he didn't want to sleep. Thoughts of Tartarus and all the times he'd nearly lost Annabeth welled up inside him. He could've sworn they were threatening nightmares. But as he leaned against the side of the ship, he slept, with no dreams at all.

The rest of the demigods were in random places throughout the ship, Hazel resting in her cabin, Jason and Piper having a snack in the dining room, Frank aimlessly walking around in the form of a cat.

But Leo was watching Percy, particularly his sword. He knew it was magic, but didn't understand how Percy still had it. Surely it should have been lost in Tartarus, but there it was, on the floor next to Percy. With no one watching, he crept up and snatched it.

It expanded to a sword when he uncapped it. He was about to look at the parts of the pen to see if he could try to recreate it when an idea formed in his head. He put the cap on the sword and shoved Percy.

Grumbling, he rubbed his eyes until everything came into focus. Leo chucked the pen over the edge and expected Percy to dive after it. Instead, he lay still, a sly smile spreading across his lips.

A very confused Leo began to apologize for waking him up, but Percy put his hand in his pocket and pulled Riptide out.

"What? How'd you-" Leo put two and two together, and a smile of his own formed. "The thing's enchanted."


"Should've known."

"That would've been nice. I don't remember any dreams. That hasn't happened in a while."

"Oh, sorry if-"

"Don't apologize." Percy stood and put his pen back in his pocket, brushed his hands off on his shirt, and summoned a stream from the ocean. Leo couldn't see it at first, so in one quick motion, Percy sent the stream over his head and drenched him.

Leo shrieked at the cold, but the son of Poseidon was already below deck, locking the door to his cabin.

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