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When Annabeth was eleven years old, a war council was held. She wasn't the senior counselor of the Athena cabin yet, but her friends told her all about it.

Grover had been searching for halfbloods in New York. Before he left, he said he would be gone a few days. But he came back much earlier than expected, with urgent news, and the council had been held.

Apparently he'd met a boy the same age as Annabeth and got to spend a while talking. The boy had said his name was Percy (which Annabeth assumed was coincidental), and he would be going to a new boarding school in the fall. Grover and Chiron would also attend.

Annabeth didn't think much of this kid. Chiron was busy trying to sort things out for the camp, so she had to talk to Grover.

"It can't be that big a deal," she'd argued. "We need Chiron to be here, and now you're both leaving for some random kid?"

"Annabeth... I can smell monsters and halfbloods. You know that. But this boy... He had some kind of aura. An unseen force of power."

Annabeth humphed. "Whatever. I bet my drachmas your nose was having a bad day."

But secretly, she was hoping he was the halfblood she'd been waiting for. All she wanted was a quest. Maybe he'd be the one who gave her that opportunity.

She tried to push her hope aside. Just a dumb boy, she told herself.

But a year later, she'd never been more certain about it. Grover was right. She couldn't smell monsters, but when the toilets erupted in the bathroom, she had seen what Grover first saw. Power radiated from his body, and it was so easy to sense it, yet a blind eye wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

She became accustomed to this power during the quest. A son of Poseidon... She should've hated him more than she hated spiders. Her mom and his dad didn't get along. So why did she feel an inexplicable lure to him? It was as if everything he did just pulled her in like a magnet.

And she wanted to deny it. But that was impossible. She couldn't flip the magnets around and turn the attraction into a resistance. Whenever she tried, the magnet just turned around again, drawing its opposite back.

So she stopped trying.

She thought about what she felt for Luke. Her crush on him had grown over the years, no doubt. Everything he did was perfect. And comparing that to Percy was what made her realize it.

Luke had never been a challenge. Always there, always charming, always doing the right thing, so there had never been reason for Annabeth to resist and see if she would be pulled back again.

Percy was different. Everything he did was wrong. He was always wrong. And instead if taking pity on him like she normally would with some unwise fool, she felt the need to correct his mistakes. To be there when he messed up.

Although they were already in California at that point, the quest didn't matter to her anymore. She needed an explanation more than Zeus needed his dumb lightning bolt.

There was only one. A crush. On Percy.

It seemed absurd. But she accepted it.

The only problem was that he didn't seem to. He cared about her, that much was obvious, but through the Sea of Monsters and the Labyrinth alike, he never held her hand, or kissed her on the cheek.

She scolded herself for those thoughts. Men shouldn't have bothered her. But he did.

And after she kissed him under Mt Saint Helens... She wanted to cry from joy. Three years of this undeniable attraction and he hadn't shown anything, but when she kissed him, he didn't break away. He accepted her.

It was funny to her how when they'd met, all she wanted was a quest. When she'd gotten the quest to find Zeus's bolt, her desire turned into a need for acceptance. And the year she got her own quest, she was granted acceptance.

But there was nothing more fulfilling than an underwater kiss with the son of Poseidon. There was nothing more fulfilling than acceptance.


Hello everyone! I have a lot of ideas floating around but they're all Percabeth. How fortunate. I'm trying to use my ideas with other ships but when I write it, it makes no sense. So we'll go with Percabeth. Anyway, my wattpad account apparently needs to be verified even though I've verified it a million times, so I can't vote or comment or respond to comments. If you do leave a comment, I'll read it, but I can't respond until I solve my problem.

I'll probably update again tomorrow with a sillier idea than this one. I've got it half written. So far, it's one of my favorite ideas:)

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