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Hey, it's been a hot minute :)

Oh? You thought I was done with this little bastard? No, just severely neglectful. 
I have found myself quite lacking in motivational juices, so I decided to flex my writing a little bit.

There wasn't really a prompt given to me, so I tried to base it off/around a song. The song above kinda fits, but I didn't get to incorporate it into the story yet. Maybe I'll make a part II-

I'll do my best, I haven't written a new, unprompted one-shot in a second.


Betty wasn't really a music person. Of course, she sang along to her favorite songs, she knew how to play parts of numerous songs on the piano and guitar, but she was never really connected to the art anymore. 

It came as a shock to most of the people who knew Betty. Because, growing up, she'd always been on stage singing, she'd always play the wooden piano in the gathering room at family events, she'd always be rehearsing some score for choir class. 

Some of it came out when she was about to turn eighteen, and just about to leave for college.  Her extended family had gathered to celebrate her going away, and her friends were supposed to drive her around town one last time, since she was leaving for a different University than them.

Before Betty left to meet up with her friends, her father tried to persuade her to play one final song for them. 

"Maybe not tonight." She said, frantically slipping her shoes on.

"But it's the last time some of your aunts and uncles will get to hear you play."

"Then make Ricky do it, he knows the same stuff as me." Rederick was Betty's younger brother.

"Betty, they want to hear you play. They're all waiting for you. Are you really going to leave without playing for them?" Her father took a few steps closer to her, Betty grabbing her house and car keys.

"I already said goodbye."

"Betsy, why don't you play your favorite song for them?" Her mother entered the front door entry way, standing slightly behind her husband.

"Which one? It always changes." Betty kept her back facing her parents, hand on the doorknob.

"Oh! You could play Lily's Theme from Harry Potter! I know you love that one."

"That's Ricky's favorite, mom."

Her mother slightly shrunk in on herself, letting out a quiet "Oh.".

"Young lady, where did this come from? Why don't you want to play one song for your family?" Her father's voice was slightly raised due to the firmness of his words.

"Why should I answer that when my own mom doesn't know my favorite song?"

"But you love playing the piano. I'm sure it'll come back to me once you start up a song." Her mother stepped closer as well.

"You, love me playing the piano. I can't stand the thing."

"I'm sorry, what did you just say young lady?"

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