Blind Love Isn't Always Bad Love [Part 2]

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Day after day, week after week, until months started passing, to the point where it was just after spring break. As it turns out, Ballora and Baby ended up having multiple classes together, which allowed the two to get really close to each other

The two were trusted (by Lolbit) to be alone because Baby would help Ballora around if she needed help with something. Baby was also trusted by Ballora's parents (she had met them before since the two of them had been assigned to work together on a pairs project a few times while Lolbit got paired with her cousin) to take her to school, since Baby had her driver's license and a had car already. It was pretty obvious to everyone else that Baby had a crush on Ballora, from the way she acted around the girl. All but the bluenette knew about it, since she was busy having her own problems, with trying to keep herself in check when she was around the redhead. Feelings were likewise from Ballora to Baby, and vice-versa.  (? idk if that made sense-)

One fateful Friday morning, when Baby was waiting to pick Ballora up and drive them to school, Ballora had slept in on accident, and was rushing to get ready in time. Her mother hastily aided her in getting ready for the day as usual and on time. By the time Ballora thought she had all she needed to put on in private, which was her top and skirt, the two were at least fifteen minutes later than their usual leaving time, and it took around five minutes to get from Ballora's house to the school. Ballora decided that she'd fix her hair, put on her stockings and shoes, and everything else during the ride to school.

To Baby, that day was going to be the day she'd finally tell Ballora how she felt towards her. Mainly because she'd been dying internally about the whole ordeal, and because Lolbit and Baby's older brother wouldn't stop bugging her about it. Baby had spent the entire week getting herself to puck up enough courage to say the right words to tell her how she felt. As she waited for Ballora, she sighed to herself and tried to steady her shaking hands that were placed firmly on the wheel.

Once Ballora bolted out of her front door (of course with her mother helping her), with her necessities in hand, and got in the passenger side, she quickly pulled on her stockings and shoved her shoes on, while Baby drove them to school.

"Eh... S-Sorry I'm not fully ready yet... I slept in.." Ballora mumbled, loud enough for Baby to hear, as she attempted to brush the knots out of her unruly blue hair. (Is that even possible? Idk... sorey- carry on-)

"No need to apologize, it's fine." Baby casually let out, side glancing at the bluenette.

"Though I do think you look better with your hair down, if I'm being honest." She added, giving a lopsided smile toward the blue haired girl, who obviously didn't see it.

Ballora's cheeks flushed at the surprise compliment as she began to put her hair up in her normal bun.

"Th-Thanks, b-but I think I'll keep my hair in a bun. It's too long for me to really let down. It'd get in my way." Ballora managed to say as they reached the school parking lot and as she finished putting up her hair.

They exited the car, Baby helping Ballora into the school and into the main hall that lead to the cafeteria. Suddenly, Baby stopped them and pulled Ballora to the side of the hall and into blind spot behind the lockers.

"Baby, what are yo-"

"I-I... think of y-you... as.... m-more than a... a fri-end..." Baby cut Ballora off in a voice just above a whisper.

The redhead wanted to die in that moment.  She sounded so unprepared and like she didn't spend so much time and effort just to say something like that.  Her face was reminiscent of the off-the-shoulders-long-sleeved-red-flare-dress (that was way too nice for school) that she wore.

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