This again

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You know the drill,

And it's a that time of the month one to start us off

Human AU; Yenndo: When you perform for the kids, and it's your time of the month, do you use pads or tampons?

Ballora: Depends on the day, which indicates the flow, which then leads me to know what to use. (Bisexual)

Baby: Tampons since sometimes I have to play tag with them and like, y'know, be active. (Lesbian)

Bonnet: I use pads, tampons kind of hurt and I feel more secure with pads. (Straight)

Funtime Foxy: Why are you asking me, I don't have a coochie- (Ace)

Lolbit: I'd say whatever I have on hand at the moment. (Pansexual)

I'm in pain bro

Movie night, High School AU; Funtime Freddy: (hiding since they were watching a scary movie)

(Someone laughing during the death scene of one of the characters)

Funtime Freddy: Tha-That laughing sounds so r-r-real!

Lolbit: That's because it's Ballora, Fredo.

Baby: (sitting scronched in on herself and staring at Ballora) hello am gay

Credit to Blair Danz in Chemical_Clowns ' "The Two Of Us" book, I love the fact that she and Baby both enjoy horror films no matter how shitty they are

Roommates (main for in one house) AU; Ballora: Foxy, Freddy, get up before your late for your classes! It's passed eight so you'll have to take your breakfast with you!

Baby: You know, this house is kind of small, you don't need to yell that loud.

Ballora: On the contrary, I do.  Foxy would be blasting music in their room, and Freddy would be talking with his bunny. They were awake since six, because they both have alarms set at around the same time.

Baby: Well shit, I didn't know you birthed them.

Ballora: First off, language! Second, I did not birth them. If I did give birth to someone, you'd be the first to know anyway.

Baby: Okay? And I guess then I'm the dad here. I'm the oldest, I have a job that mainly supports us, and that makes you my wife.

Ballora: (drops a cup in the sink) I-I'm sorry?! I have many questions!

Baby: Then you can call me later today, I have to get to work or I'll be berated by Lolbit. You know how she is.

Baby: (kisses Ballora's cheek and sets her coffee mug in the sink and then she heads out)

Ballora: (under her breath and going back to washing the dishes furiously) I'm not even your girlfriend yet, you're too stubborn to admit you like me... God, why do I love you, you useless lesbian?...

I don't know if you can tell but I'm starting to fall in love with this AU, and fuck with me all you want about me making Ballora a housewife, Baby the oldest, and the Funtimes the youngest ones.

High School AU; Lolbit: I AM SUPERIOR! AHAHAH!!!

Ballora: What is it this time?

Funtime Foxy: She beat Baby in that Bloody Knuckles hand game.

Baby: My fingers! How am I supposed to be a lesbian now?!

I love and hate Bloody Knuckles, if you couldn't tell.

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