"Short Arms"

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The part that this One Shot is centered around is something that actually happened between me and my friend in art class during recess last year and it was funny as fvcc when it happened, so imma try and make it that funny here.

Random songs are just amazing, aren't they? Ps- it's K-Pop, so deal with it if you want to.

"Ugh! I'm borrrrrrred!" A certain tall redhead quietly groaned from the awkward position she sat herself on the couch in her girlfriend's apartment.

"Well then find something to do, or go back to sleep." A blue haired teen quipped in a hushed voice from the kitchen where she was getting a cup of sweet tea. (BEEYNN!!! WHERE'S MAH TEA?!?!? srry)

"But Ballora!!! I'm comfortable, and I don't want to get up, and I don't want to go back to sleep either!" The redhead softly whined childishly back, throwing her arms up into the air and flailing them slightly.

"Baby, how can you be comfortable when blood is literally rushing to your head at this point?"

"Don't question my preferences..."

"Fine, but you're still going to have to get up sooner or later." Ballora quietly replied, walking over and moving her girlfriend's leg so she could sit on the couch next to her.

"Ack-!" The sudden movement of Baby's leg being tossed aside caused her to loose her stability in the position she was in, and she fell face first off of the couch and onto the rug.

While that was happening, Ballora had taken a sip of her tea and gagged on it when Baby fell off the couch. She coughed for a good moment before catching her breath. (No dirty thoughts people,  it's just tea.  Not anything else.)

"You okay?" She quietly asked, almost wheezing when she had finished.

"Yeah. I'm just peachy." A soft and sarcastic response was given when Baby lifted herself off of the floor and she rested her chin in her hands, gazing up at Ballora with a slightly annoyed smile.

"Aw, come here, hun." Ballora cooed, setting her mug down on a side table to the couch and opening her arms for the taller girl to close the gap between them.

Baby playfully rolled her eyes and giggled as she got up off the floor and hugged the bluenette. She nuzzled into her partner's neck and planted soft kisses along it, earning soft giggles and muffled moans.

"B-Baby~... S-Stop!" Ballora breathed out, trying to stop her lover from going too far.

"Aw c'mon. Why?" Baby asked, pulling away and frowning a little at the slightly shorter girl.

"It's 3 in morning."


"We'll wake up my neighbors! And there are young children on this floor! That would be very inappropriate for them to hear at such a young age!"

"... So?"

"Ugh!... Never mind. But we still shouldn't be doing this now." Ballora said in a hushed voice, a dusty pink blush present on her features.

"Well, do you want to just watch something until the sun rises?  We can find a cheesy movie to play."  Baby quietly suggested, sitting back against the couch and placing her arm over Ballora's shoulder. 

"Ooh!  I'll go make some popcorn!  You can find a movie."  Ballora excitedly whispered, getting up and walking back into the kitchen to grab a popcorn packet from a cupboard. 

"Do you need help getting it down?"  Baby asked, following behind the bluenette. 

"No, I can reach it all by myself, thank you."  The shorter girl replied, opening a cupboard above the microwave and reaching for the top shelf to grab the popcorn. 

She reached with little struggle and took out a packet while her girlfriend stood there with her arms crossed, chuckling slightly at the sight. 

"What's so funny?"  Ballora asked, placing the popcorn into the microwave and setting it to however long the packet said to. 

"I'm just surprised you were able to reach up to the top shelf."  She replied, smiling slightly.

"Why do you say that?" Ballora asked again. 

"Well because your arms are shorter that mine, and you are shorter than me in height." Baby said without thinking. (I do that all the time... that's why I'm so stupid..)

Ballora put on a face of over dramatic shock, mock sadness, and even sniffed way too over dramatically when she replied. 

"H-How could you?!  *sniff* A-Are you saying I'm short?! I'm so very much *fake sob* offended!" She wiped away an invisible tear and turned away from Baby, crossing her arms. 

"I only meant your arms... not your whole body..." Baby replied, unsure of how to approach the situation at hand. 

"But it's still apart of meee!!" Ballora exclaimed, but she still tried to keep within a reasonable volume as she ran back into the living room and sat on the far edge of the couch.

"I'm sorry, B, but I only state what I see." Baby replied, walking over and pulling Ballora into her lap as she sat down on the couch.

"Nu!!! You're mean!!! I don't want you rubbing your meanness off on me!!!" The shorter girl squealed playfully, trying to wiggle her way out of her girlfriend's grasp.

Baby quickly flipped their position into one where Ballora was under her and being straddled by the redhead. She smirked at the blue haired girl's blush and chuckled quietly. 

"Am I being mean now?" Baby asked, touching her forehead to her lover's. 

"Very..." Ballora replied, giggling as her blush grew every second.

Baby chuckled at the response and quickly gave Ballora a teasing peck on the lips, which caused Ballora's blush to grow twice as fast. Ballora pouted slightly and slipped out from underneath Baby by sliding out from under her legs.

"Hey!" Baby laughed quietly, following after the bluenette.

Ballora walked back into the kitchen and grabbed the popcorn out of the microwave since it was just about done (and luckily without any burnt popcorn). Baby came up behind her and wrapped her arms around the shorter girl, while resting her chin on her head.

"Want one?" Ballora asked, popping a popcorn into her mouth after opening the bag and letting it cool for a moment.

"Sure." Baby said, picking up Ballora bridal style and carried them back over to the couch for them to binge on some movies until daylight.

"Open." Ballora giggled.

Baby opened her mouth as Ballora threw a popcorn into her mouth.

"Thanks." Baby kissed Ballora's forehead and turned on the TV and turned to a Hallmark channel that was playing some mystery movie marathon.

They ended up falling asleep a little over half an hour after starting to watch the movie and just after they finished eating the popcorn. They didn't finish the Aurora Tea Garden Mystery Marathon (not sure if that happened), and left the TV running accidentally. Ballora's tea was never finished, and was left on the side table until they both woke up about five hours later.

How'd I do?...  I don't think it was stupid enough...  AHHH- *shlapled* owie... sory..

Ps- the next chapter might not even come out until a month from now... Forgive me readers!!

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