Chapter 29 - Opposition

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(Also I'm sorry if there is any unrealistic conversations or code-terms here, I'm not in the military, and I have trouble finding official radio talk for ww2 soldiers or pilots. Except for one 'unofficial' video of a Pilot's reaction to an Me-262. Also I write with my thoughts and concepts, because I'm a rookie- Y'know What? I'm already expecting backlash soon.)

———Pacific Ocean———

Several ships sail alongside each-other particularly a Nagato-class Battleship sailing parallel to a North Carolina-class just 500 meters away. The American ships were noticeably less in number than the Japanese ships.

"The rising sun, and the White Star... It seems appropriate." One of the Japanese sailors said

"Explain?" A female officer on the Nagato-class asked

"The sun is a star. Despite us being different in terms of government... We have a common enemy, a common enemy which have provoked both of us." He said looking behind to see the floating wreckage of a Soviet Aircraft, Which is slowly beginning to sink beneath the waves.

Just recently the joint force had engaged a Federation Flotilla which included an escort carrier and laid its warships to the seabed.

———Skies above The German(Austria)-Hungarian border———

The Soviet Federation has suffered a stalemate within the Poland, but they are slowly advancing in Eastern Europe, and they have just separated Germany from the southern areas of Eastern Europe and are breaching into what would be Austria

Jet-driven, Mixed Propulsion, and Propeller-driven, These were the types of planes participating within the battles. And the engagements would make Bloody April eat it's heart out.

In the sky a small flight formation of just 11 Bf-109 fighters flew above the airspace of Eastern Europe, to defend the homeland from the incoming soviet invasion.

["Jesus Christ... It's only been a few months since then, yet I'm still shocked about this whole thing."] a friendly pilot radioed to another pilot Friedrich.

"I know, There have already been those few suggesting parallels between this and the attack on pearl harbour the communists did on our new Ally."

["True, I may be a pilot, but their actions is the height of madness, a single country facing foes from the west, east and south, would spread its forces too thin. Especially against an industrial colossus."]

["well that's the result of not thinking first before simply blasting through. *snicker* I'm pretty much describing our blitzkrieg aren't I?"]

"Yeah... Perhaps. The men and women of the ground probably don't think as much." The pilot of a Bf-109 commented

["Squadron! Up Ahead!"]

Friedrich leaned forward to see several specks in the distance, some smaller objects were closing their distance. Enemy Fighters. Without uttering a word he quickly put on his mask to prepare for another aerial engagement. Several lights emanated from the Enemy Fighters, receiving a feeling of dread, Friedrich immediately radioed to the rest of his group to spread out.

Most of them did so, but two unlucky ones were engulfed in a Bright Hail Of Fire as Several pieces of their plane soon fall to the earth.

"What was that?!"

The Soviets have already fielded their unguided rockets, it's only with time would they be able to commission their own version of the V-2 Missiles.

Friedrich narrowly avoided another volley of these rockets, but another friendly was destroyed. The Yak-9s Open Fire as the remaining fighters engage with one-another as the Bombers pass by, while assisting with their own Anti-aircraft Fire

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