Chapter 5

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I feel like this chapter is boring lmao lmk if it is.


Approximately 3 hours after the Yuuei Entrance Exam

Sasuke is walking towards a bookstore when he becomes aware of a presence following him. It's familiar, he thinks. But he can't quite place a finger on who it could be. 

A flash of red appears in the corner of his eye and he remembers where he's seen his stalker. It's that bird guy he ran into a while back. 

He didn't exactly think that they would just leave him alone, but he hadn't expected them to come back so soon when he was already aware of the fact that he was on their radar. They sent the same agent too, which was odd. 

Sasuke turns to look directly at him and watches him falter. 

Sasuke turns into an alley and waits for the guy to follow. 

"You certainly found me quickly." The man laughs. Sasuke pretends to be less irritated than he is. 

"What do you want from me? I'm not joining your little cult of martyrs." 

"It's not a cult-" The man squawks indignantly. "Nevermind. They want a meeting with you." 


"So you're coming?" The man asks hopefully. 

"No." Sasuke snorts before he shunshins to the League's hideout. Some people have too much audacity and no visible skills to back it up, Sasuke thinks. 

"You took your time." Mist man, Sasuke's number 1 annoyance, says, clearly amused. 

"I ran into an annoyance." Sasuke says shortly. "What do you want?" 

He's getting real tired of having to work for people and it hasn't even been that long since he decided to work with the League. 

"We've set up a house with a family for you to be with during your time at Yuuei." 

"No." Sasuke almost laughs. They really think they can convince him to stay with some random strangers and play house? 

"If you intend to avoid suspicion in any way, I suggest you take this generous offer of shelter." Kurogiri says in what some might call a cheerful tone. To Sasuke, it just sounds mocking. 

"There's no reason for me to live with them." Sasuke raises an eyebrow. "You seem insistent."

Sasuke knows this trick. They want him to live with the family they've set up as a means to monitor his actions. He wouldn't be surprised if the "family" they've set up are trained to subdue... well, try to subdue him should things go awry. 

"This is an undercover assignment. You do understand the definition of 'blending in,' don't you?" 

"I'm capable of creating a fake family should the need arise. You needn't be concerned about these things. If anything, your... close monitoring should raise more issues with the heroes." Sasuke replies flatly. 

"Of course, we wouldn't need to do this if you followed instructions." 

Sasuke is beginning to get real tired of Kurogiri's better-than-you attitude. 

Sasuke allows his chakra to expand and darts forward, yanking Kurogiri by his tie. 

"Your monitoring is beginning to border on disrespectful." Sasuke says lowly. "If you wish to uphold the pretense that any of us want to be here, I suggest you back off." 

Kurogiri holds his hands up in a placating manner that just fuels Sasuke's ire. "Of course. Will you not even agree to a meeting with them?" 

"For what purpose?" Sasuke lets go of Kurogiri's tie and steps back. 

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