Chapter 4

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Ding! George's phone chirped. Alex and him had gotten home an hour ago, and were on the couch watching some Netflix show.

"Who texted you?" Alex asked

"I don't know" George said looking at his phone. "Oh my gosh! Its Clay."

"Well don't just sit there. Respond to him!"

"Okay. Okay. Okay. I am" George said typing a simple message back to Clay.


Hey George


How are you?

Good. How are you?

Fine! What are you doing?

Me and Alex just got home like an hour ago so were watching some Netflix show. :) What are you up too?

I just got home with
Nick from a party with
the band and I'm making
myself some dinner.

"Hey George? Alex asked


"Do you think I could maybe meet Clay? Like in person."

"Do you want me to ask him? I'm chatting with him right now."

"Oh my gosh! Please!"

"Sure thing Alex" George said laughing.


"Its no problem Alex. After everything you've done for me? This is like the least I can do."

"Were best friends for a reason George."

"Yea yea I know. Now shut up so I can ask him" George said laughing.


Hey Clay, can I ask you something?

Sure George. Anything

Well Alex he kind of wants to
meet you in person. Would
that be okay?

When are you free?

Would tomorrow work?

Sure where should I meet you,
and at what time?

11am at a pizza place?

Sure George. Nick is asking
for me so I have to go

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