Chapter four

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Chapter four

When they were left alone the girls talked about what they wanted to do. Ivy already had a few things written out and got them from her car before she showed Tara and Maria. The two girls liked the theme of her songs and chose to do their own version of what Ivy had done. Once they had lyrics made up it was dark outside, so Ivy had ordered food for all of them and chose to show that she had the bracelet on her wrist as she made eye contact with Kou and Keigo.

"Boys, come here please."

Both males stiffened and nodded their heads as they walked towards her. She crossed her arms as she looked at both males. "You both heard what was said earlier, yes?"

"Yeah, you're a princess of the race that's at the top of the food chain here. And Kou is a moron for biting you." Keigo said with a nod of his head

"Bingo, now I want people to be able to see you. But before I do I need to know that you two are willing to actually work with me and do what is needed of both of you. Can I count on the two of you to say that you're not only with me but share me with the other?" Ivy asked curiously

"It'll be strange, but I can do that." Kou said with a smile

"As long as I don't have to actually do anything with him-I can deal with that too." Keigo said as he pointed to Kou

She nodded her head. "I won't make either one of you do anything you don't want to do...which makes me beg the question Keigo, do you or do you not want to go back to being a pro-hero. Cause that is a thing around here, and the process isn't that bad. You won't be working for that shit commission office. They aren't that shady here."

Keigo placed his hands in his pockets. "I'd like to see what that's like before I agree or not."

She placed her hands together and smiled at him. "Not a problem, on my day off we can do that, not a problem." She said before she looked at Kou. "And don't worry I haven't forgotten about you Kou. You will be taken in by this very company and be working with my group to get your start around here. I've already talked it over with my boss which is why I have this bracelet on me."

"So how do the others see us?" Keigo asked

She giggled a bit before she first gave him a tight hug which made him stiffen up feeling her arms around him before she did the same with Kou who instantly hugged her back with a smile. She then smiled at the two of them. "There, now the others will be able to see you. I highly suggest you two stay near me once we leave here cause with you both being who you are, people will want nothing more than to have you for themselves."

"And that's bad isn't it?" Kou asked

She nodded her head. "You two are literally bound to me, now that I have this bracelet and have made contact with the two of you, I will feel everything you two do and I will know when you two lie to me."

Keigo and Kou raised an eyebrow at her. "What do you mean by that?" They said in unison

"So, you finally stopped torturing the poor boys huh?" Maria said amused

"Yeah, I talked with Mr. Cheney and he's taking Kou under his wing after I showed him the song that Kou did on his own." Ivy said as she turned herself around and looked at Maria

"That's not surprising," Maria said before wrapping her arm around the red head's shoulders and looking at Kou and Keigo. "Y'all two better treat my best friend like the princess she is or I swear I will beat the shit out of both of you."

Kou and Keigo placed their hands up. "We know better." They said in unison

"Good, glad to hear it. Now after this album we're placing out Kou you'll be working with us on your first album here-so you better get yourself ready to work your ass off." Maria said with a grin

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