Chapter Twenty-Three

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Ivy's harsh eyes softened hearing the words that Kou spoke "K-Kou..."

"Kou don't be stupid, that woman isn't eve and that's the only reason we are even still alive now. If you stay here you may end up dying." Ruki stated seriously

Ivy was rather peeved to hear Ruki speak, she softly placed a hand on Kou's face making him let go of her. Ivy then went up to Ruki looking him dead in the eyes. "You have nerves of steel to speak up as you have, especially since you never thought that I was even a princess."

Ruki averted his eyes as he heard her speak. Maria growled at her and glared at her. "You are the one that has nerves! How dare you let your father take them away from us! You're such a cold hearted bitch!"

Ivy's purple eyes went straight to Maria as she stepped close to the elemental woman. "Such strong words from a hypocrite. You and Tara never wanted to truly be friends with me. You two never wanted to bond with me and be true band mates to me. Riya and Rose are ten times better than you and Tara, And I barely know the two girls. Many a time you and Tara have had the chance to make it known that you wished to room with me. But you two never wanted that, so you two were kicked. I will always be Ross's favorite! So don't act like you are all that and a bag of chips when you're not even a full snack. The ones that are cold hearted are Tara and you, not me!"

Maria went straight for Ivy only for her to kick the female in the gut making her fly into a large pillar in the room they were in making a big dent in it as Ivy huffed out. She then looked at Ruki once more. "Kou has the choice to stay here due to the fact that Keigo had talked with my father behind his and I's back. I never wanted them to go-but I have no say in what happens. My father is king and what he says goes."

Simon frowned hearing his daughter speak. "Ivy dear, tell me do you truly love the vampire male that has bound himself to you?"

Ivy turned herself to look at her father as she frowned "Yes father."

"Then I will let you speak your case about letting those who stand before me now to stay. If you make a good case I will allow them all to stay." Simon stated seriously

Ivy's purple eyes widened in shock before she nodded her head. "Very well then father, this is my case then...I can tell by those who stand before you now that there are three werewolves, and by the looks of how they are all are at or above the age that they must have their mated person. If those who are linked to them are taken from them when the full moon comes in four nights they will go into a paralizing shock that will end up killing them. It will then be on you dearest father for killing three of your citizens, when you've vowed never to spill blood unless it is nessassary and it cannot be avoided."

As Ivy spoke she stood firm with her hands behind her back staring straight at her father-her words were stern and with conviction. Ivy took a deep breath before she began to speak once more. "Now I also see that there is a wraith amongst the females that stand before you father. As you are well aware wraiths aren't keen on being around those who are out of their blood circle. But the female you see before you is giving a risk of her heart and mind just to be with the male vampire that she clings to in fear. You take that male from her and I believe we will have an all out chaos catastrophe on our hands. You know as much as I do that if a wraith gets to emotional or too angered they will be in a blinding rage for as long as their body and emotions allow them to. That blinding rage will kill thousands if not millions depending on that woman's strength. Again I will point out that you vowed as king not to spill blood that doesn't need to be shed. And lastly I will point out that I am not the only siren that stands before you. I know that one of my new band mates Riya is a siren. She is almost to the point where she must tangle herself up with the life of another to calm her libido. The male beside her can more than do so." Ivy stated before she looked at the siren that was beside Kino. 

"Miss, how old are you?"

"Nineteen ma'am."

"So you are the same age as I am. Has the male beside you been able to keep you sane?" Ivy asked

"Yes ma'am, he has."

Ivy then looked at her father once more. "If you take these males back as it stands you will have many problems upon your hands that you alone cannot deal with. The death of three female werewolves, the chaos and destruction from a wraith woman and the cut ties of three sirens-two who are of age to get the heat waves of maturity. Do you truly wish to deal with so much on your own?" Ivy stated seriously

Simon was silent as he heard out his daughter, once Ivy had finished speaking Simon had broken the portal pieces in front of all of them. "All of those from the time-line I just broke, will need to register yourselves into the system and will be expected to have a job somewhere within the kingdom. I will summon all of you back here in a year time, with that said...Those who are sirens please stay behind I wish to talk to you specifically about what has come to pass. The rest of you are dismissed."

Ivy's eyes widened in shock that she was able to keep Kou with her, with a big smile she rushed up to Kou and hugged him tightly. Kou hugged her back just as tightly. "Thank you so much Ivy." He spoke softly to her

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