Chapter 1

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It was 4 o'clock in the evening and my girl's and I were sitting around the table counting the money. It was a routine we had to perform every two days in order to keep our business afloat.

"Ohkay, this is my last stack!" Toi informed us as she placed the stack of money in to the machine to count it. The rest of just nodded our head to acknowledge her. "Kayla, where do you want me to place the money?" Toi asked as she stood up from her seat and placed the money into a black duffle bag.

"Put it in the bedroom." I placed a stack of money into the machine. Toi walked out of the kitchen and into the bedroom in the back. "How much you all have left? I need to give this to Prince by six." I looked at both of their areas around the table. Each girl was on their last stack.

"I'm done after this." Tatiana let me know.

"Yea me too." Armani added. Just as I was placing my money into a duffle bag, Toi walked back into the kitchen.

"Ohkay I have to go. I placed the money in the closet. I'll see you girls tomorrow." She kissed us all and walked out of the door.

"Fuck!" Tati shouted. Mani and I both stopped what we were doing.

"What?" Mani and I both asked.

"I'm 5 grand short!" She screamed. We all looked at each other. We all knew this was going to end with blood.

"Who did you collect this from?" I asked.

"D-Boy from building C!" D-Boy was the head Solider for building C, one of the four buildings apart of 'Emerald City', the project community that our husbands ran; located just outside of Brooklyn.

"Didn't he come up short last week?" Mani asked. I shook my head. I know that once I inform my husband, D-Boy only would have minutes left of his life. Everyone knows our husbands are the four biggest Kingpins on the East Coast. You cross those niggas, and that's your life.

"Yea, well Mani you pack your money in the bag, Tati leave your money out, and I'll call Prince." They all nodded, and followed the orders. I left the kitchen and headed to the bedroom to make the phone call.

I unlocked my white iPhone 5 and quickly dialed my husband, he answered on the third ring.

"Hey baby!" He greeted me.

"We have a problem." I just came out and told him.

"I'll be there in 5 minutes. I'm in building D." Prince quickly ended the call. It was a rule that nothing was discussed over the phone.

I walked back into the kitchen where Mani and Tati were recounting Tati's money to make sure. Although we all were tough as nails, we hated to see innocent people die. We wanted to make sure that if D-Boy died, he died because of something he actually did.

"Yea, I'm 5 Gs short." Tati huffed. Mani shook her head and brought her duffle bag to the back. As she returned into the kitchen, the boys barged into the apartment.

"Now what's going on?" Prince asked. Since Prince was in charge of the money, he did most of the talking. The other boys just sat back.

"I was going through my stacks, and I noticed that I was 5 Gs short." Tati explained as Prince took a seat next to her. He stared at the money.

"Who did you collect from?" He asked looking at her final count.

"D-Boy from building C."

"Ray isn't that one of your lead soldiers?" Prince asked Ray.

"Yea and his ass was late last week." Ray replied, but added the last part. All of the boys were starting to get heated. It was one thing that they all hated, disloyal niggas.

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