Chapter 9

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I would like to complain about not getting my votes. I asked for THREE votes. Not 35 or some shit! I'm only writing im honor of my co-writier's, Toi, birthday. It was Friday!!! Also because Shanah asked me.... So this is for them. To the rest of y'all hoes....................... Happy Fuckin Mardi Gras!



My family and I were all packed into my white Cadillac Escalade, heading to go pick up Rayanna.

“Are we really in the ghetto?” Jasmine whined.

“Since we are out here picking up Dad’s bastards, do we have to make any other stops?” Devon joked. He and Jasmine both fell out laughing. I ain’t find shit funny. This was embarrassing.

“That shit ain’t funny!” I barked.

“Y’all stop; this is really hard on your mom.” Ray scolded them. They both stopped laughing and went to talking about something else.

“How much longer is this ride?” I asked annoyed. We’d been on the road for about three hours. I still didn’t understand why we had to come all the way to D.C. 

“About an hour.” Ray looked at the GPS.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this shit.” I rolled my eyes and rested my forehead in my hand.

“I’m sorry Tatiana. I really am.” Ray rubbed my thigh.

“Yea, whatever. Just drive.” I took out my phone and played Temple Run.

We arrived to these dirty ass D.C. projects about an hour and thirty minutes later. Although, I was raised in the hood, my kids weren’t. They were born and raised in Emerald. They were Mafia Royalty.

“Oh my god. Y’all can’t be serious?” Jasmine spoke as exited the truck.

“Jasmine shut-up and come on. I’on wanna be here either. So let’s go pick up this lil girl so we can head back to our side of the world.” Devon playfully pushed his sister.

We all walked up the sidewalk to the rundown building. I looked around at all of the crack heads lying on the ground. 

“This is it!” Ray informed us before he stopped in front of the door. The kids and I eyed each other, wondering what was on the other side of the door. Ray knocked on the door three times. We waited about two minutes before someone answered the door.

“Oh my! You actually came!” The older lady answered the door, shocked. 

“I told you I was.” Ray laughed.

“Come in!’ The woman stood to the side for us to enter. I entered the home and looked around. The furniture was dated, but other than that it was clean. “Let me go get Rayanna.” She left us in the front room as she went to the back.

“You ready?’ Ray asked me.

“I guess.” I rolled my eyes and rested my hands on my hip.

About three minutes later the lady came back with the little girl. When I first saw her my mouthed dropped. She looked more like Ray than my own kids. She had the hair and all. 

“This is Rayanna Brittane James. She doesn’t have your last name because you weren’t there to sign the birth certificate.” The woman informed us. 

“You my daddy?” Rayanna asked with her fingers in her mouth.

“Yea, I’m your daddy. And this is your new mommy, Tatiana. That’s your brother, Devon, and your sister, Jasmine.” Ray introduced all of us. 

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