Chapter 27

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I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever. I'm in college, so you know how that is. I beez busy! I just want to say thanks for being patient. Also, this story will be ending in about two more chapters.

P.S. Y'all should read my other story "Hush Mode"! Also, excuse my spelling. Just because I'm in college doesn't mean I can spell!


Chapter 27


As I sat in the board room, while the boys tried to come up with a plan, I was in a trance. I couldn't believe this shit was happing. I was angry, yet I was hurt. He tried to kill them while they had a baby with them.

"I say we send our niggas to Jamaica." Ray asked as he took a hit of the joint in his hand.

"We don't know who these niggas are. We would be sending them out there on an empty mission." Prod sat back, thinking.

""But if we don't act, we look weak." Roc added.

"I agree with Prod, we don't act just yet. I say we wait until we know who we are going after. Until then I say we stay loaded." Prince shrugged.

"But I think that they will come at us even more if we don't act, they will come at us even more." Roc countered.

As the boys continued to go back and forth about the best plans for action, Kayla, Toi, and I sat in the back of the room thinking as well.

"This don't make no damn sense. The fuck are we even in this damn meeting for? I have yet to be asked my damn opinion, and I was shot at!" Toi grabbed her purse and stormed out of the room with Kayla and me on her heel.

"I'm tired of this shit! Princeton knows that Gabriella doesn't have a mob mentality. She shot someone, and they worried about going to Jamaica. No kill them hoes while they on our soil!" Kayla rambled as dug in her purse for her keys.

"Kayla where do you think you are going?" Prince stormed out of the conference room, letting the heavy wood doors slam behind him.

"Are you really asking me that question? Our daughter just killed somebody; you know damn well she wasn't ready for that shit! I told your ass that! You and the boys are sitting in that damn room talking. Did y'all even once turn to the two people in the room who got shot at for help? No, y'all didn't! Fuck this shit Jacob! Me and the kids are leaving! I refuse to have them be apart of some shit they aren't ready for." She turned and walked out of the building. Toi followed her, but I stayed to talk to Prince.

"I didn't know she was feeling all of that." He punched the wall, leaving a massive hole.

"But can you blame her Prince? We are just as much apart of the everyday operations as you boys. We've done this shit our whole lives! You all can't leave us out of the loop! What these dogs did affect us just as much as it affects y'all!" I spoke.

"But we are the men; we are supposed to protect!" He defended their actions.

"Well so much for that!" I moved my bangs out of my face and walked out of the door. When I got to Kayla's car she was on the phone, and Toi was in the front seat.

"We are leaving tonight..............Ok, well I will see you there.....Ok, you too." She hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" I asked as I leaned into the driver's side window.

"Daniel" She started the car.

"Really Kay? You trying to have Princeton kill you!" I was shocked at her answer.

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