Chapter 21

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Hey Fiishes!!!!! 


Chapter 21


            I felt my body getting tired. Although I was already sleeping, I still felt like I was getting tired. I saw a light getting closer and closer. Was I dying? I can't be dying, I have kids to raise. What about Prince. I have to tell him I'm sorry. I have to be there for Toi. I can't, I can't be dying.

"Kayla!" I heard a voice call me. I saw a figure walking towards me in the light. "Kayla!" The voice called again. I started walking closer to the figure. The light was extremely bright, but it wasn't blinding.

"Jesus? That's you?" I called out.

"Kayla, you haven't changed!" The figure began to laugh. His laugh, I know it.

"Paw-Paw?" I looked at the figure, which was just a few feet away. He took one final step. His body came into form. He still was tall with a pot-belly. His olive shaped head and pearly white teeth went perfectly with his smooth chocolate complexion.  He was just like he was before he died.

"Baby girl!" He held his arms open for me. I ran up and hugged him, just like I did when I was a little girl.

"Paw Paw, I miss you so much!" I kissed his cheek.

"You are so beautiful!" He admired me.

"You can see me?" I asked. My grandfather went blind about thirty years before his death, when I was 9. So he never saw me. He only felt my face, and knew I was his chubby baby.

"God gave me my sight back." He smiled.

"So when can I meet God, and why aren't I in line to get in the gates?" I looked around, noticing it was just he and I in a dark space, but we were standing under the light.

"Someday, but not now. God sent me to talk to you." He walked me over to a bench. Which just magically appeared.

"PawPaw. What is this? Where did this come from?" I asked, as I took my seat.

"God's grace. He always supplies what we need!" My grandfather shrugged.

"So why am I here?" I asked confused.

"You need to get back in church, baby!" He wrapped his arm around me and I laid my head on his chest, just like old times.

"You know the church will burn down when I walk in." I rolled my eyes.

"Really Kayla! I'm telling you what God wants you to do." My grandfather reminded me.

"I will." I sighed.

"And God's taking that baby back!" He sprung on me.

"What? No, not my baby. Not Kianna. I know I messed up my life, but not Kianna. She can't go. Take me heck, but not her! I'm already in the 'middle'!" I cried. God couldn't take my baby. I need her.

"No Kayla, not that baby! She'll be fine. I'm talking about that baby." My grandfather pointed to my stomach.

"What? I am pregnant? How did I not know?" I felt my stomach, trying to see what was different. "Why don't I feel anything?" I asked.

"Because he's gone, baby."

"Already? Will he come back?" I began to wipe the tears from my eyes.

"That's up to God, Baby Girl." He rubbed my back.

"Why am I getting so sleepy?" I yawned.

"Just rest." He kissed my forehead.

"I love you Pawpaw."

"I love you too Kayla." He whispered, as I laid my head on his chest, and fell asleep.

"Doctor! Doctor! She's moving!" I heard a voice yell over my body.

"Oh my God. Oh my God!" I heard a more feminine voice speak.

"Didn't I call a fucking doctor?" The first voice yelled again. I began to understand who it was.

"Baby" I whispered in a very raspy, but low voice.

"Kayla! Kayla I'm here baby!" Princeton came towards the bed, and grabbed my hand.

"Mrs. Perez, this is Dr. Rayan. Can you please open your eyes for me?" The doctor stood over my body. I didn't speak, but I slowly opened my eyes. I kept blinking because my vision was blurry, at first.

"Oh my God, my baby!" I mother came to my side.

"Can you see?" Dr.Rayan waved a bright ass flashlight over my eyes.

"Can you get that shit out of my fucking eye?" I snapped.

"Yep, she's back!" Princeton and my mother said in unison.

"I'm sorry for that Mrs. Perez. I'm just going to run a few test, to make sure everything is okay." Dr.Rayan informed me.

"Alright, just hurry up. I have kids yah know!"

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