Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


            I heard the sound of the gun fire, and I followed the bullet from the gun to Kayla's leg. I've never wanted to kill someone so badly.

"Fuck!" I quickly fired two shots, killing the two wack ass men instantly.

"Bitch!" Toi pulled out her gun, aiming it straight towards Armani.

"Wait!" Prod screamed out. I don't know what he was thinking, but I know the rest of us were thinking murder. "Don't shoot!" Prod screamed, stepping in front of Toi's gun. I knew I could stand around any longer with my wife on the floor.

"J.J. you and your sister take your mother and Kianna to the hospital!" I ordered them. Without another word, JaMorris came in and swept Kayla's body off of the ground, as Gabby held on to a screaming Kianna. The four of them walked into the blackness, leaving the scene.

"I'm going with them!" Tati turned and walked away.

"I ain't leaving until this bitch takes her last breath!" Toi folded her arms, with her gun dangling in her right hand.

"You know she has to be handled right?" Roc nodded his head towards Prod.

"She's my wife, and the mother of my kids." Prod look at Armani, as she started scratching.

"She kidnapped my fucking child!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Need I not mention that she just shot my damn wife? Fuck her!" I pointed my gun to an empty spot in the corner, and fired a shot.

"But you fucked her last week tho?" Prod countered.

"I ain't fuck that bitch! I was with you all last week, twenty-four seven! I would even touch her; I respect you too fucking much!" I yelled.

"Shut the fuck up!" Ray yelled over me. "We ain't here for this shit." He looked at both of us.

"Prod, bottom line. You need to find a way that she won't be able to mess with anyone of us again." Roc stepped up.

"Baby, don't kill me. What about the kids?" Armani tried to sweet talk him. She wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Get the fuck off me....." He pushed her. She stumbled back, and fell on the ground.

"Prod, baby!" She got on her knees and started crawling to him. The scene was pathetic. You can tell that she was high, and she reeked of piss. "Let me fix this." She started to tug on his pants.

"I'm not about to wait for this shit. Roc come on." Toi turned to Roc.

"Yo man, you have to handle her!" Roc pointed to Armani, before turning to walk out.

"Yea man, I'm leaving too. Handle this shit Prod, I'm trusting you." Ray walked out, without another word. Leaving Prod, Armani, and I.

"Babe, don't let them come between us!" She began unzipping his pants.

"Bitch, I said move!" He slapped her. She hit the ground with a loud thump.

            This is the first time I have ever seen Prod this upset with his wife. Yea, Kayla and I fight, but that's us. Prod never hits women, he refuses

"Prince don't let him kill me. Remember what we had before Kayla ruined it?" She wiped the blood from her mouth.

"Bitch keep her name out yah mouth!" I growled at her.

"Prince, can you leave us alone? I'd like to handle this personally." Prod turned and asked. I knew this was hard on him, so I didn't mind.

"Iight, I'm out!" I chucked up the duces, and headed out of the warehouse.

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