Chapter 2

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It's nine in the morning, and I have to be at the meeting in thirty minutes. Prod had left about two hours ago to handle some things. I was sitting in my bathroom staring at my mirror, thinking about my life. About how Prod got into the game, how we met, the wedding, and even the people we lost on our way to the top. It made us so much closer when we went through our trials. I can honestly say, Prod is my rock.

"Ma" Craig Jr. called from my room.

"Yea?" I took my mascara and began to apply it.

"Why is that meeting being called? Why can't we leave out of the gate? And why has Dad increased security?" Cj asked too many questions. I know I would have to answer these questions soon, but to be honest I really didn't know myself.

"I don't know. Your dad will talk to you and Jya later." I spoke honestly.

"Man this is crazy." He complained. I ignored him and finished my make-up, but five minutes later I got a call from Toi.

"Hello?" I said.

"Where are you?" She asked. I looked at the clock and noticed it was already nine thirty-five, I was late.

"Damn!" I sighed. I ran out of my bathroom, towards my room to grab my purse and keys. "I'm on my way!" I hung up the phone and ran out the house. When I reached the first floor, the elevator doors opened and I walked out to my car. I unlocked the doors to my white Range Rover and checked my surroundings, just as I had been trained to do by my husband. The coast was clear so I got into my car and headed toward the community center, which was in the middle of all the buildings.

When I arrived to the building, I parked next to Toi's sky blue Mercedes GL63. She and Kayla had matching cars; they were cousins so almost everything they had matched. I got out of my car and walked into the building. Once I entered I greeted the five armed bodyguards that surrounded the foyer of the building. I walked down the hallway on the left side and went all the way down to the end. I opened the hard-wood dark wood doors as all eyes turned to me.

There was no real "head" of the whole operation so the table was a circle. All the men sat next to their wives. If you didn't know any better, this meeting could have easily been mistaken for a legit business meeting.

"Well look who decided to show up!" Kayla greeted me harshly. I rolled my eyes and took my seat next to my husband.

"Let's get started shall we." Prince started the meeting. "Yesterday, the women were counting money when Tati came up short. After we dealt with D-Boy, we found out that the niggas in Baltimore had him to try and rob us. From what our sources are say, the Baltimore crew is trying to lay us out. We all know that won't happen, but to be safe we need to eliminate them." He spoke with force. We all nodded our heads, agreeing.

"I want the whole team gone. I want the corner boys and all. We need to make sure that no one will cross us after this." Prod told us. "I talked to some of D-Boys squad before we laid them out. They told me that the lead nigga in charge of the Baltimore squad goes by the name of 'El Rey'." Prod stopped as he handed each of us a picture of "El Rey". He was talking on the phone, and what looks to be, getting in his car. "I've set up a plan to rid of him with out even thinking too hard. This nigga is dumb as fuck. His biggest problem is he talks too much. He told SIX women that he wanted to murder us all."

"Bitches? This nigga telling all his damn business to bitches?" Roc laughed.

"I don't know why you're laughing; I know all you're damn business." Toi pushed Roc.

"Man, but you're my wife. I bet that fool ain't even married." Roc defended himself.

"Anyway" Prod stopped their fight before it got out of hand. "This guy has a weakness for women." Prod paused and looked at all of us.

"Nigga hurry up and spit the shit out." Ray yelled.

"El Rey has a problem when it comes to women, and after taking a look into the women that he likes, I see that he likes his women with a lil meat on their bones." Prod said nonchalantly, staring at Kayla.

"OH HELL TO THE FUCKING NO!" Kayla jumped up out of her seat. She stood up fast, causing her short teal blue sundress to fly up, but not showing her goodies.

"It's what we have to do, to get him." Prod answered her unspoken question. It seemed as if no one, but Kayla and Prod knew what the other was talking about. Even Prince was trying to figure it out.

"Nigga your ass is crazy if you think you're about to send my wife in!" Prince finally caught on. After that, we all caught on, one-by-one.

"Prince this is the only way we can get to him. Kayla has what he wants, plus she's smart. She could kill him by herself. Besides, she'll have backup."

"Wait, this is a little dangerous don't you think we should think this through?!" I finally spoke up. Prod looked at me like I should have backed him up with the idea.

"FUCK PROD! YOU'RE A REAL SMART PERSON BUT I DON'T KNOW IF I CAN DO THIS!" Kayla raised her voice louder and louder.

"No, this isn't going to happen, not today, not tomorrow, not ever." Said Prince turning red with anger.

"LISTEN!" Prod spoke with so much anger in his voice.

"I know what I'm talking about, do you honestly think I would let anything bad happen to Kayla? Or any of you other niggas for that matter?!" he hollared.

The room was silent as we all pondered on it, Prod was a good player on this team and he never let anything bad happen to this group. Never!

"So, is this really the plan?" Toi said. "To lead a dumb nigga on by using Kayla as bait?"

"She aint bait!" Prince hollered.

"What else is there to call it Prince? A fuckin' experiment?!"Toi asked.

"Ok guys calm" Prod to settle them.

Prince burried his face in his hands in frustration. He took a deep breath looked up at Prod, then looked around the circular shaped table at the rest of the group and said the words they'd thought they'd never hear.

"Ok, what do we have to do?" He still had a frown on his face. He didn't want to do it, but he had to in order to succeed in taking El Rey out.

"Really?" Kayla said disappointedly. She was a bold bitch,but deep down, she still had an ounce of fear in her.

"Yeah bae. Really..." His voice was so low the group could barely hear.

"Ok."Kayla paused trying to gather her thoughts. "Tell me what I gotta do."

"There we fucking go guys!" Prod cheered. "Now, have I ever let y'all down?"

"Nah nigga." Ray spoke up. "But you letting down most of us now." He laughed. Prod took a ball point pen off the table and threw it at Ray so it bounced off one of his braids.

"Wow! That really hurt" Ray gave a sarcastic remark.

"I promise, Kayla this is going to work." Prod directed his attention back to Kayla. We all turned our heads to look at Prince.

"What the fuck you want me to do? Say something?" said Prince.

"Duh nigga!"Kayla was annoyed.

Prince stood up and said. "All I gotta say is, if anything happens to her; you're all fucked." We all looked at him funny, he was taking this real hard but we didn't know why! Everything was going to be okay! "Roc, call Rashan about the money he owes me from the rest of that coke, if he doesn't have it Ray you know what to do." Ray put his hand in his pocket tightening his grip on his gun. " Figure this out. I have to make a run." That was the last thing Prince said as he slammed the door behind him.

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