Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


“You good?” Toi came and sat next to me on the sofa. I didn’t realize that I’d zoned out.

“Yea, I think. I just want my baby back, but I know Prince won’t leave with at least couple people’s blood on his hands.” I shrugged.

“Like you don’t want them niggas dead.” Toi gave me that ‘bitch please’ look.

“Right! I just want these niggas to call, so we can go. I’m tired of waiting. I’ll give them whatever; I just want my baby Toi.” I tried to hold my tears back, but the quickly started to roll down my cheeks.

“Mom, am I ohkay?” Gabriella came over to me to inspect her outfit. We all dressed up for this occasion, but the dress she initially wanted to wear was not about to work. She did a quick spin, and I took note of her hot pink dress, and silver Dior baby doll shoes.

“Perfect baby girl!” I nodded my head. The dress was a halter, but it was poofy at the bottom, making it have a youthful look.

“Babe.” Prince entered the room.

“What?” I asked, eagerly.

“It’s time. Let’s go!” He screamed for everyone to hear. I quickly stood up, as did everyone else.

“Wait!! Where is Mani?” Tati asked.

“I don’t know, but she isn’t answering nor do we have the time to wait.” Prod shrugged as he headed to the door.

“Y’all go get my grandbaby. I got the rest of the kids.” My mother yelled as she rushed down the stairs.

“Thank you Mommy!” I kissed her cheek, as Prince slipped my black fur over my shoulders.

“Call me when you have her!” My mother side-eyed me, knowing I wouldn’t actually be able to say just that in the call. I slightly nodded my head, and walked out of the door. By the time I’d gotten outside, everyone else were already seated inside of their Bentley’s. This time my family rode in an all black, bullet proof Escalade because we had the kids. Prince walked ahead of me to hold the door open. This chivalry, I could get used to. After I got in, Prince pushed the duffle bag of money into the car, before getting in himself.

“Go” Prince spoke, ordering the driver to take off towards the drop site. Prince didn’t say anything else; he just looked out the window with his jaw clenched. The moonlight light up the side of his face, and his curly afro glistened.

            Arriving at the old abandoned warehouse, the cars all stopped and parked in the same line in which they arrived. Drivers got out, and held the doors open for the passengers. The men got out before their wives, but waited for them to get out. After I got out, J.J. and Gabby got out. I was kind of scared for Gabby. It would be the first time she’d be exposed to the violent side of this lifestyle.

“I’m bringing you out with me as soon as I have Kianna in my hands.” I whispered in her ear. She nodded her head, and nervously smiled. I walked ahead to an awaiting Princeton, and grabbed his hand that was held out, waiting for me.

“I got you baby.” Prince tried to kiss me, but I moved back.

“We aren’t together like that. Get my baby, and we’ll see.” I looked him up and down. Rather than countering and causing a scene, he just rolled his eyes.

            We walked into the warehouse, and very few lights were on, until we got to the main area. I saw two men lined up on the other end of the warehouse. One wore a purple polo, and the other just wore plain white. There were no weapons visible, but I know that they were packing. Toi turned to me and nodded her head, and I nodded back. I knew everything would be okay, but deep down I felt as if something was wrong.

“Stop there.” The man in the white ordered us. We stopped where we were, and waited for them to speak.

“I thought it was just supposed to be family?” The guy in the purple sounded annoyed.

“This is my family!” Princeton arrogantly spoke.

“Well the immediate family, come two steps forward then, smart ass.” The guy ordered us. We did as we were told and stopped.

“Bring that baby out!” The guy in the white yelled. We all held our breaths as we waited. Sounds of heels stabbing the ground pierced my ears, and finally I saw both of them.

“My baby!” I screamed, but everyone else was surprised to see the person holding her. As for them I didn’t care, just my baby.

            Kianna looked as if she was taken care of. She had on all clean clothes and not a hair was out of place. She’d gotten bigger, but then again she was gone a few weeks. I stepped closer to her, but she didn’t reach out for me. She’d forgotten me already.

“Bitch don’t move!” The guy in the purple yelled. “I want my fucking money first.” He demanded.

“One, nobody ain’t getting shit until my wife securely has my daughter in her hand, and walks safely out of this room with both of my daughters. Secondly, call her out her name again, and that’ll be your last word.” Prince threatened.

            As I listened to the conversation, I kept my eye on my baby. Her carrier was high and shaky.

“Bitch give her that baby!” He ordered. She stepped closer, and I met her half way. She took her last step and stumbled. I leaned out to catch my baby.

“This is a damn shame Armani! Your own fucking niece!” I spat at her before turning around and walking away.

“You did this to me bitch!” I didn’t bother to turn around, I just kept walking. “You took my fucking boyfriend. Your life was fucking perfect you fat bitch, but no you had to take the only thing I had. That’s why I fucked your damn husband a week ago, withcho fat ass!” She yelled. Although her words cut like knives going though my heart, I couldn’t let her know it.

“Ma, don’t worry!” Gabby tried her best to make me feel alright. I just nodded my head as she came to walk along side of me, holding my left hand as I held Kianna in my right.

“I know baby, I know.” I smiled.

“Bitch!” She yelled, and then I heard the loud popping sound that sent a flash of heat right through my leg. It seem like everything happened in slow motion. I fell to the ground, protecting Kianna as I hit the ground. I could feel the blood rushing out of me as my eyes began to feel heavy. I heard the scream of Kianna, and I slowly closed my eyes. I knew some shit would go down.


Y'all should totally share my story! Also, y'all  better go vote for my babies& Jacob Latimore for the 2013 BET Awards. MB needs their second award, and Jacob needs his first!

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