Chapter Seven

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Final chapter before Chicago Fire Season 9! TK is the embodiment of his chat name, Sylvie learns how many first responders it takes to clear her apartment, Buck learns something from Josh, TK makes a few people possessive, and Sylvie makes a decision about her new partner.




"What?" TK groaned, looking up blearily from his bunk in the 126.

"Phone," Mateo mumbled from further down the line, using his pillow to cover his ears.

TK scowled, reaching over for the phone on the nightstand, squinting and looking at the texts on his screen, trying not to disturb the large dog curled up at his feet.

Golden Retriever: TK.

Golden Retriever: Sylvie.

Golden Retriever: TK.

Golden Retriever: Sylvie.

Golden Retriever: TK.

Golden Retriever: Sylvie.

Golden Retriever: TK.

Golden Retriever: Sylvie.

He scowled more, rolling onto his back and texting Buck back.

Grumpy Cat: You really want me to be an actual grumpy cat, don't you?

Golden Retriever: I texted you a time I thought you would be awake!

Grumpy Cat: I'm on shift, you bastard.

Golden Retriever: Rude.

Golden Retriever: I'm on shift, too.

Golden Retriever: And I'm bored.

Grumpy Cat: Good for you.

Grumpy Cat: I'm exhausted.

Grumpy Cat: We've had calls all night.

Grumpy Cat: One of the paramedics on B shift said that word while they were still in the driveway.

Golden Retriever: Oh shit.

Grumpy Cat: Yes.

Grumpy Cat: We are currently in the eighth circle of hell.

Golden Retriever: Fraud?

TK frowned in confusion, feeling Buttercup shift slightly.

Grumpy Cat: What the fuck?

Golden Retriever: The eighth circle of hell.

Golden Retriever: That's Fraud.

Golden Retriever: Right?

Grumpy Cat: Where the fuck did you get that?

Golden Retriever: Did you not read Dante's Inferno?

Grumpy Cat: No.

Grumpy Cat: And I don't know if I want to.

Golden Retriever: Hang on, I leave shift in an hour.

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