Chapter Sixty

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Well, it's hard to believe we're at this point, folks. At just over 14K words, this is the last chapter of "Danger Zone," which wraps up the Chicago storyline. There will be an epilogue, but this is the last hefty wordcount until next book. I feel pretty pleased with how this ends, so I hope you will feel the same.

Kelly reminisces, the 126 Squad Company gets caught up to speed, a call at Navy Pier takes 51's breath away, Matt and Kelly tie up loose ends, one goodbye hurts more than others, and a trio makes a pact that should really scare some people.

Here's the end of "No Survivors" and part of "Mayday!" No character bio at the end this time - I'm saving the rest for later!


The last time he had woken like this, they had been cocooned in blankets on the floor of Owen's house. Buttercup had been curled up at their feet, Kelly had one of his worse nights of sleep after he came to the realization he was in love with his best friends, and he had no idea what the hell to do with that knowledge. This time, he had woken after one of his best nights of sleep to find his limbs tangled with those of Matt and Sylvie, the three of them somehow managing to fit in a bed that should have been too small for them.

They all had far fewer clothes on this time, too.

It took a remarkable amount of effort for Kelly to figure out how to free himself from his lovers without waking them up, and he nearly did so with Sylvie. He paused when the paramedic stirred, her nose wrinkling adorably before she settled again, her head resting against Matt's collarbone. The captain hadn't woken at all, and Kelly sighed in relief before finally getting out of the bed and finding a pair of sweatpants and a shirt to slip on. There was no way he was going to get back to sleep, not with the sun shining . . . and he had a feeling if he stared at Matt and Sylvie, that would just end with them waking up, too. Chances are they would be waking up soon, anyway, with how their internal clocks were wired, but considering that was the best Kelly had slept in a long time, he was going to let them get as much rest as they could.

He entered the kitchen just in time to hear his phone start vibrating on the counter, and he raised an eyebrow as he checked the Caller ID. He chuckled, already guessing what this was about, and he clicked answer as he went to work finding what he needed to start the coffee machine. "Hey, Cap."

"Hey, Severide." Owen sounded a mixture of resigned and amused. "Judging by your tone, you already know what I'm about to ask."

"I have a feeling," Kelly snickered; Matt and Sylvie's phones had been dropped on the coffee table, and both of their screens were lit up like Christmas trees with missed calls and text messages. "Let me guess . . . do I know where Sylvie is since she didn't go back to the hotel last night?"

"You're a natural," Owen deadpanned, making Kelly snort. "I take it you know, then?"

"Yeah, I know," Kelly couldn't help but smile. "She's here and safe with us."

"I don't doubt it." Owen's matter-of-factness made Kelly's smile widen. The fire captain's trust in others was something Kelly admired most about him, and it made him want to keep that trust close. "I'll tell the others to stop the onslaught. I'll warn you in advance, though . . . you might need to endure a shovel talk from Nolan."

A shudder went down Kelly's back, and the lieutenant grimaced as he tucked his phone under his ear so he could pour a mug for himself. "After that performance he put on the other day . . . I'm not looking forward to that."

"Hence the heads-up." Kelly could hear Owen's smirk through the phone. "I'd give you one myself, but since I've already had to do that with Carlos, I'll let Sylvie's brother have the honors this time around."

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