Chapter Twenty-Seven

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You know, I didn't plan for the episode with Matt, Kelly, and Eddie being in Austin to be the Lone Star episode that was all about romantic relationships . . . and yet here we are. Love how that timing worked out.

On another note, thank you to everyone for your massive amounts of patience while waiting for an update! I recently got into diamond art as a new hobby, and that is sucking me in completely. I also moved back with my parents after finishing my job in our previous home city and I'm back on the hunt for internships, so . . . I'm busy in general. Everyone's patience has really meant a ton - thank you!

And now onto the mess that is "Friends With Benefits." 51 doesn't let Casey and Severide team up at games for a reason, Amanda is on Buck's case, Paul and Mateo are interested in Marjan's not-brother, TK and Carlos hit a snag, my new favorite friendship is the New York power captains, and communication is key. That's working out well for a few people, isn't it? *rolls eyes*

Enjoy the first two-thirds of the episode!


"Don't say it."

"I didn't say anything – "

"Don't you dare say it!"

"I didn't say anything!"

Matt's shoulders shook as he tried to avoid snorting coffee up his nose, listening to his best friend and the girl they loved bickering at the end of the table at the breakfast diner. "That was probably in her training to get put on a squad rig, Sev."

"And whose idea was it to go rock climbing for one of our weekends off?" Kelly raised an eyebrow.

"I said don't say it!" Sylvie shrieked, smacking Kelly in the shoulder.

Matt burst out laughing. "I don't think she's thankful!"

"Oh, I'm thankful," Sylvie glared. "I just don't want to give him the satisfaction of an inflated ego."

Matt sank his teeth into his lip to avoid laughing –

"I think Severide would get that feeling even without you saying that, Brett."

Matt lost the battle and burst out laughing, having to put his coffee down before he spilled it all over the table. Kelly glared over the blond's shoulder at the innocently-grinning, dark-haired lieutenant standing behind him. "You suck, Grainger."

"For telling the truth?" Grainger smirked. "Good to know."

"You all right there, Casey?" Delaney walked up next, frowning in concern.

"Oh, yeah," Matt coughed, still laughing. "Just wishing I could take a picture of Sylvie's face right now."

Kelly looked over at Sylvie, her fork paused mid-stab motion towards him, her eyes bugged and mouth open in disbelief as she looked up at Grainger. He snorted loudly and grinned widely. "He's right. I want that picture, too."

"I'm sorry, what?" Sylvie finally sputtered. "What – when – ?"

"I think you broke her, Grainger," Delaney remarked.

"Is that possible?" Grainger laughed.

"Grainger here was kind enough to take command of Engine 51 when Herrmann went on vacation, so he was there right after you left," Kelly explained. "I stopped Casey from blowing up on him and scaring him away – " Matt inhaled his coffee the wrong way and spiraled into another coughing fit. " – and turns out we got another friend out of the deal."

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