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(Natasha POV)

It's been a few days since in 'incident' I still feel guilt which does now help me at all, I've been checking on Wanda 24/7 I make sure she eats and drinks water often, I also check her room for any objects she might be using for self-harm.

"Nat," Steve said as I turned to him.

"You gotta eat something," Steve said as I rolled my eyes.

"Am not hungry Steve," I said as Tony groaned.

"Natasha you haven't eaten in the past week," Tony said.

"Am a grown woman, I know how to take care of myself," I said as I got up from the table.

"Tasha..." I heard Wanda's voice.

"Please eat something," Wanda said as I looked at her.

"Fine," I said as I sat down and ate.

After I finished eating I went for a walk, I couldn't explain the feeling but I felt free once I left the compound, it started to rain and all I did was play in it I jumped in puddles and for once I felt free.

When I got to the compound everyone was waiting for me.

"The hell Natalia," Tony said making me flinch.

"You left for like 4 hours!" Tony yelled

"You didn't even tell us where you were going," Steve said making me scoff.

"Am sorry but do I look 12 to you?" I said.

"We were just worried, we thought something happened to you Nat," Peter said looking at the floor, the damn kid always makes me feel guilty.

I walked over to Peter and hugged him.

"Don't worry about me kid, but go get some sleep you have school tomorrow," I said as he nodded and left. I went upstairs and quickly checked on Wanda, I entered the room and saw her sitting in her bed with Vision watching sitcoms, jealousy ran through my veins and made me squeeze the doorknob.

"Hey, Nat" Vision said as I smiled and looked at Wanda.

"Hey Tasha," Wanda said, I smiled at the damn nickname.

"I was just leaving," Vision said as he walked through the wall.

"Come on let's watch a movie," Wanda said as I smiled and sat next to her.

We watched a movie and suddenly our phone began to beep.

Group message 1+

Tony: Guys the storm is gonna get pretty bad so keep an eye open.

Thor: Okay

Wanda: kk

Peter: Can I sleep with someone?

Clint: Yeah come on me and Thor are having a movie night anyways.

Peter: Cool on my way!

Carol: Nat...Wanda make room love birds am coming over.

Bruce: Love birds?

Carol: Fucking hell Bruce I forget you exist

Wanda: Carol!

Vis: I just got hit by lighting....ouch

Bucky: how is that even- you know what am not even going to ask...

I laughed at the messages and Carol came through the door.

"Hey love birds," Carol said sitting next to Wanda.

"Hey Denver's" I said 

After a while, we fell asleep but an opening door woke me up.

"Aunt Nat can I sleep with you," Morgan said as I nodded and helped her up.

Morgan cuddled between me and Wanda and Wanda gave me a smile.

"You'll make a great mom one day," Wanda said with a wink making me smile. 

"Night Tasha," Wanda said.

"Night babe," I said as she laid her head on my chest. 

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