Girls on the run

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A/N - Hey guys our chapters are usually short but we are planning for this one to be pretty long, also pls CFF (Comment, Follow, and Forward) and don't forget to vote!

Wake up!!!"Sunny screeched at the top of her lungs. "Jeez, no need to scream" yawned Panda. "C'mon let's go" rushed Coco who was wearing a red tank top with a white jean jacket  "Something might be wrong". "Hey that outfit looks familiar," Panda said with a confused frown. "It's yours, I up-cycled it, now get out of bed already"

(An hour later)

Everyone was dressed and ready to go until...."Where is everyone, we need a ride" commented Cherry in a very serious tone. Sunny replied saying "They all went out last night and never came back, remember?

"Wait, Monica posted a picture of her in the forest, and this is way into the countryside," Coco said, she noticed everyone was looking at her " What, I spent 9 months in the country, oh also, I found our ride" she added with a sly grin

15 minutes later: Vroom, vroom, the girls saw a pink convertible "Hey Audrey " exclaimed a tall girl with bright pink lipstick, a cute purse, and big gold hoop earrings. "OMG, hey Janice I didn't see you in forever!!!" gasped Coco. The ride was short and boring, Janice only spoke to Coco and completely ignored the rest. "Ugh, I can't believe our best friend is being hogged by a hogger! See Coco would have a sassy retort to that" fumed Panda. "It's ok according to the GPS we are only 10 miles away from-," started Cherry...

Janice suddenly hit the brakes, everybody fell forward "What! I'm coming!" she quickly ended her call and explained what was going on " My cousin Ella called me an-" she sniffed "I'm so close, nay too close to missing it". "Missing what ?" Sunny impatiently asked. "The shoe sale at the mall!" Janice wailed out. Everyone looked at each other, with a slight frown on their face. "A shoe sale? I told you our situation! You know if this happened to you I wouldn't go off to some stupid shoe sale rather than help my friend!" Coco yelled. "That's the last straw". "Hmph" scoffed Janice and drove into the distance

"Perfect now we have no ride" Panda sighed and squinted at her surroundings, "There's sand, and more sand, and best of all MORE SAND. After 20 minutes or so they saw a small town "LAND, LAND!!!" Sunny screeched at the top of her lungs while kissing the grass. "That's unsanitary" started Cherry. "She's hallucinating" continued Coco. "I was this close to joining her" Panda groaned as they walked into town.

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