Dance, Dance, Jealousy

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Everybody was in shock at what they had just heard! To change the subject Zach said "Why don't we, I don't know, dance" he blurted out. "Actually I would love to dance, with you" Monica yawned, she had just woken up and came out in a very short 'dress' "But we have to change we've been in the same clothes for like a day!". Zach's look shifted "Is that my shirt?!". Coco rolled her eyes "I have clothes for us in my backpack" and she ushered them out of the room.

A couple of minutes passed by when the guys heard a scream, "Nooooo, I'm never, ever going to wear this!" Panda busted open the door to reveal a frock "There's nothing else available" pleaded Coco. "Yeah" Sunny chimed in "the rest of us are fine". All eyes went to Cherry, wearing a short fashionable jumpsuit "Hey Carter, do like my jumpsuit". She was interrupted by Sunny," Welp, let's dance people!"

Zach put the music to those old, cringy music you'd hear in the '90s. "Wanna dance?" Carter held out his hand to Panda, who nodded and took his hand. Cherry glared at Panda. "Hmph.."

Zach tried to imitate what Carter did and held his hand out to Coco. Coco slapped his hand out, Zach winced as she changed the music to hip-hop.   Sunny watched them dance while eating some ice cream out of the tub. She wasn't the type who danced. Cherry sat down by Sunny.

"Do you feel that- that- you just need love in your life?" Cherry swooned. "Er-....." Sunny muttered. "Do you think that uh- I need more romance..?" She began with a dreamy expression on her face. "Well uh.." Sunny was perplexed, usually Cherry was more of an anti-romantic.

"What's up with you?" Sunny inquired with a confused frown on her face. "I have a crush on Carter" Cherry admitted. "Uh, sorry to break it to you but, he likes Panda, it's obvious" Sunny added, Cherry frowned.

"Guys it's 6:30 maybe we should get dinner started?" Sunny remarked after an hour or so. "What about pizza," Zach asked holding his phone. "I'm a vegan, but you guys can eat it I'll make something myself" Coco replied as she went off to the kitchen. "I'll help" Zach quickly added and followed, she grinned.

"See," Cherry continued as she ranted to poor Sunny "They don't even try b-but those two are acting li-... I get it now! The reason Zach likes Coco is that she's pretty, and she's pretty because she exercises and is a vegan!!!" Cherry turned around in triumph to find that Sunny was having the time of her life.

Ding Dong!

"I'll go get it!" Sunny gushed while running to the door. "Hello, there miss, here's your pizza!" the pizza guy gave the fresh, hot pepperoni pizza.

 "Mmmmmm, yummy,  are you sure you don't want some Coco?" Panda said stuffing her mouth with pizza. "Uh, no thanks" Coco replied while eating salad. "Isn't this yummy Zach?" she added. "" Zach murmured uneasily. He wanted to sit with Coco and enjoy dinner with her. Coco shot him a look. "Well, it sure has a lot of veggies.." Zach said, picking his salad with a fork.

Meanwhile Cherry was picking up a conversation with Carter. "You look cute today Carter!" Cherry flirted with Carter. "E-er...thanks...?" Carter spluttered. "Cute carter, I think I'll call you that from now on.." She added while twirling her hair. "Hey, could you pass me the salt?" Panda inquired while gesturing to Carter. "Sure of course-" Carter beamed while passing the salt. "Thanks!" Panda grinned. Cherry glared at Panda. "Hey Cute Carter, could you pass me the salt?","Okay.." Carter answered passing the salt. Cherry frowned once more.

"My dress!" Panda shrieked. Cherry spilled some cranberry juice on Panda's white frock. "Oops!" Cherry giggled. "Well, I didn't really like it anyways.." Panda continued. Cherry got out of her seat and yelled at Panda.," CARTER IS MINE, NOT YOURS!"

"W-what is going on with you Cherry..? You've been acting weird these past few days.." Sunny stuttered.

"SHUT UP!! I-I DON'T CARE!" Cherry shrieked while stomping up the stairs to go to her room. "What is up with her??" Panda rolled her eyes.

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