Lost in the Woods

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"This is going great" the unnaturally positive Monica shrieked, her eye was twitching and she was about to crack! Putt, putt, putt, the car suddenly came to a halt.

Monica immediately CRACKED the door open and then slammed it shut

Monica immediately CRACKED the door open and then slammed it shut

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"It's busted" she sighed. "There, they are over there!" a voice growled from behind the now busted car. The girls quickly bent down beside Monica's car. "Come out little girls" the voice growled again. Cherry held back her muffled scream. "Stop baiting 'em and search behind the car idiot" a deeper voice growled behind the car. They heard footsteps getting closer and closer. Then, like they had mind-reading powers they ran together away from the hunters.

When, they finally thought they were home-free they stopped. " I never ran so much in my entire life" Cherry said gasping for breath. "We barely made it out" Coco exclaimed. Just, then they heard an ear-piercing shriek fill the air. "What is it, Monica?" Sunny asked hearing the same shriek countless times before. "Are they back" Panda said reflexes coming back to her. "No, I just chipped a nail. EEK!!!!" Monica yelped. "Like that didn't to any of us" Coco grumbled. "Remind me why we want her back " Panda said grimacing at Monica. The girls looked around, it was dead night. Then the bushes next to them started moving, Panda grabbed a stick and went up to the front "Come out!". A guy who was about average height with blonde hair came out, he swooshed it "Hey" he grinned slyly. PANG!

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