The Escape

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"You can't hide from us..."                                                                                                                                                  "You can't run from us...."                                                                                                                                                   "Don't even try."

The same mysterious voice echoed through the kitchen. All four of them hid behind the fridge. 


"Over there!" We heard Chad yell in our direction. Cherry whimpered. He had found us. "Go get them." Chad smiled mischievously. His henchmen came forward. "ENOUGH!" Panda yelled and ran forward to punch Chad. "PANDA NOO!" The girls all yelled. She gave Chad a disgustingly broken nose and Chad fell while trying to cover his bloody face. The henchmen glared at Panda and ran towards her. "GED 'ER YA FOOLS'!" Chad yelled while holding his broken nose.

They restrained her, but then Coco grabbed the gun of the person holding her. One of the henchmen ran away in fear, but there were still about 6 more of them. Sunny took the henchmen's wallet "This will be useful" She grinned as she counted the money in it. "I've always wanted to do this" Panda yelled while kicking a few henchmen.

Cherry was watching the scene in awe, Panda did have anger issues and slapped people sometimes but, nobody knew she could fight this good. "5 down, 2 to go" Coco beamed. "HI-YAHHH" Coco punched one of them but got a scratch. Panda fought the last one but in doing so she got a few scratches. "Nice one" Sunny praised Coco and Panda.

But Chad was still there. "Grab his gun!" Cherry yelled. But Chad got up and raised it. "You girls are coming with us.." But Coco kicked him down and Sunny grabbed the gun. Chad reached for the gun but Panda punched him hard and he fell unconscious.

"Let's get to the car, I think Monica is there," Cherry advised. They got to the car and saw Monica with a gag in her mouth. Monica looked at us in awe. We took out the gag and Monica shrieked "THANK YOU SO MUCH- WHAT TOOK YOU SO L-" She was interrupted by Coco. "Be quiet, they can come back any time now!"," Now let's go back home, anyone know the way..?" 

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