Lantern's story

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All the girls turned their heads toward Panda. Panda just shrugged unconcernedly. Then, a shriek filled the room. "GEEEET THEEEEM!!!!!". The Lanterns suddenly stood up with remarkable speed.  Everyone scrambled away from the mob of soldiers. They were gaining on Carter and Panda until they finally found a room they could hide in. "Did we lose them,", Sunny and Coco looked around the corner, while they all held their breath. "All clear!", they all sighed. After a moment of silence, Carter stood up. He started walking to the door when someone stopped him. 

Carter turned around and saw Panda. Cherry glared at her. Zach stared at them. Sunny and Coco shared a glance. Panda had a tear in her eye. Sunny stood up, "Does anyone have any food?". Coco pulled Sunny down and gave her a look that could've killed her. Sunny nodded toward Cherry, who seemed like she could strangle Panda. Carter touched the door handle and looked around the room. "Bye, Panda", and he left. 

Cherry and Panda started crying. "SHHHUUUT UUPPPPP", the girls looked around at Zach who was fuming. "No one was talking", Coco answered annoyed as she entered through the door. The Lanterns rushed out of the room. 

They could see the Lanterns putting Carter in a locked cell with guards surrounding it. "We got to go quick." Coco sighed sternly.

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