Another one

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The guy chuckled. Then Zach ran to him and hugged him. "Wha-?" Sunny inquired. "I missed you so much!!"They said at the same time. "I thought you were dead.." Zach said with a confused face. "Well no, after the boss caught me I ran away and lived in the woods," the stranger said.

"Wow- er- oh yeah"," I forgot- Carter these are my friends, they were lost in the woods too, Guys this is Carter, my brother." They gasped in awe. "I'll introduce myself" Panda blurted out to break the silence. Carter blushed furiously when he saw Panda "C-cool uh yeah that's fine I guess Uh-" he blurted awkwardly. "I'm Panda and that's Coco, the girl your brother is totally in love with it" Suddenly Zach had an embarrassed expression on his face.

"That's Sunny, and that's Cherry," Panda said finally introducing them. " 'Sup" Sunny said casually. " Hi, Carter" Cherry said cheerfully. "Now that everyone is introduced to each other" Zach said, glancing at Coco after every word he said. "We eat," Sunny said, as her stomach growled. "Yeah, I'm famished" Cherry continued nodding at Sunny. "I could do with some food" Panda said uninterested. "Me too" concluded Coco with some confidence in her voice. "Let's eat then," Zach said while leading the way to the kitchen. " 'Cause we're all famished, according to Cherry," Sunny said sarcastically, gesturing to Cherry. "Hmph," Cherry said not smiling.

When everyone was done with their pasta, they had a question to answer "What should they do now". "We could play board games" Carter suggested, but as fast as it came up it was rejected. "If only we could have a sleepover," Cherry said, sighing. Then, the girls looked at each other. "SLEEPOVER" they shouted in unison harmonically. "So, what are we and Carter supposed to do", Zach asked, "Surely we can't be in a girl's sleepover". "Now you can," Coco said encouragingly. Panda and Sunny looked at her with disbelief and disgust on their faces. It wasn't a friendly look.

A few hours later... "I can't believe we agreed, Panda" Sunny said looking at all of them playing Truth or Dare. Just then, Zach's face shifted. "I truth you" Coco turned to Zach "To tell us why your old gang is chasing us". "It matters, what are your real names?" Zach asked curiously. Coco rolled her eyes and answered, "I'm Audrey Kikes, Panda's Mirabell Pines, Sunny's Amberly Woods, and Cherry's Ava Miller". Zach and Carter gasped "Y-You can't be" stuttered, Carter. "What-??" muffled Sunny, she had been devouring the pumpkin pie she found in the fridge.

"People descended from Kikes, Pines, Woods, and Millers are destined to inherit The Genie, who will grant you 3 wishes together if they don't do it before any of their 17th birthdays, anybody else can use it"

Carter peeked through his window, it was dead dark "Let's go tomorrow morning". "Ok" everyone awkwardly mumbled.

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