The Farmer

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A/N - This chapter has a humongous plot twist both in the middle and the end and is SUPER long! We would ever so appreciate it if you would leave us a comment follow or forward

As they were walking by the town, they stumbled across a farmer's market. Suddenly they heard an odd low voice. "Are you kiddos lost and hungry, if so why don't y'all come over to have some delicious apple pie". "No, no we're fin-" Cherry got cut off by Sunny, who was jumping up in the air "Yes, yes please!!! We haven't had food in like, an- an- HOUR!" Sunny squealed like a little five year old, ready for their birthday party. The farmer let them willingly into the farm. Panda inquired if she could ride the pigs. The farmer nodded as he went to the door. Cherry scolded, "GET OFF THE PIGGSS!!" as Coco and Sunny were cheering her on "WOO HOO!". While they were distracted by the pigs and Panda, the farmer locked the door with a malicious grin on his face.

Coco glanced at the farmer and was the first to realize, that he had locked the doors. "Guys...I think we should leave.." Coco advised. "Uh, why? We're havin' so much fun!" Panda exclaimed while getting off the pig. "He seems suspicious...He locked the doors." Coco whispered so the farmer couldn't hear. "I agree with Coco on this one, we should leave soon," Cherry stated. "B-but" Sunny stammered," We haven't tried the apple pie!! Please please please!" She nagged. "Ugh fine, but after that, we go. Okay?" Cherry said sternly.

The farmer then came to them and offered some fresh apple pie. Panda and Sunny looked at Cherry pleadingly, then Cherry replied with a nod. When they got to the creaky table, they saw the gooey, hot pie. As they were about to dig in, Coco stopped them. "Guys wait, something about the pie doesn't feel right.." Then she took a small bite and fainted. Fear silenced them, then Cherry broke the silence, "Oh wait, in my first aid kit- Which I bring ALL the time- has a medicine for faintness" as she poured the medicine into Coco's mouth.

"Ugh....what happened?" Coco groaned. "I knew it! The pie was poisoned!" Coco gawked. "Maybe it was a mistake..?" Sunny muttered. "Maybe? For sure it wasn't! Let's go guys.." Panda scoffed. "Fine" Sunny sighed. While they were going out they were stopped by the farmer.

The farmer glared at them. "Uh...can we go- erm. Like now?" Sunny stuttered. "Sorry dears, but you surely can't go now?" as he pulled out something that looked like a gun. Coco spotted some horses and pulled the other 3 over.

NEIGH! The horses yelled as they got on quickly. The farmer ran after them but gave up after a mile or so. "Awwww, this horse looks cute- I'll name him Oreo" Sunny giggled gesturing to a black one with a couple of white streaks. Panda looked down at her dark brown horse," In that case, I'll name her Brownie!" "Well, I'll name Buttercup!" Coco grinned. "Guys stop messing around-" Cherry looked at the maroon horse and couldn't help but to name it too "Aww I can't resist.. I'll name mine- Uh- Dusty!" Cherry chuckled. They rode over to the forest and stopped.

"Guys here!" Coco shouted, stopping at a patch about a mile into the forest. "Oooh nice, I like it." Panda squealed. "Let's sit here for a bit and then we'll find some food" Cherry declared. Sunny sighed and looked around "Take a deep breath, let it out, in, out, in, out". "What's your problem," asked Coco "You've been nervous this whole time". "Well...." Sunny started "When I was little, me and my family went camping, long story short, I broke 2 arms (neither of which were her's) and my dad's hope of me loving camping, never been in the woods since!" While Sunny was talking they heard a shuffle.

"Hello, girls" growled a voice...

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