The New Guy

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"Why. Did. You. Hit. Him. With. A. Rock?" Cherry sneered through her teeth. "Exactly" Monica replied, Cherry grinned, Monica immediately continued  " 'Cause he's hot!".

Slowly the guy woke up, he was wearing ragged clothing that would make Monica barf (again) and had dirt smeared around his body. Suddenly they heard a sound...

"Hem, hem" he quietly hummed "Excuse me?"
Everybody turned, the first thing he noticed was their clothing, it was ragged, just like his. Then he set his eyes on Coco, he gasped, she was absolutely stunning.

He kept looking at her until Panda came up to him "Who are and what do you want?" Panda asked, she then grabbed a stick and poked him with it. "Tell her, and tell her now" Sunny reminded him.

He immediately grabbed the stick and hit Panda in her stomach. "Oh, it's on!" she exclaimed "Sunny be a dear and get me THE ROCK " Sunny giggled and handed her the rock. "Your gonna wish you were never born tough guy" Panda smirked. Coco immediately saw what was going on and rushed between Panda and the new guy. Then the new guy lost his mind and blurted awkwardly " Hey, I'm Zach". "Guys, can we talk for a sec" Cherry asked nervously. "Fine, by me" Panda agreed still glaring at Zach. They walked behind a bush and made sure Zach couldn't hear them. 

"Guys", Cherry asked looking at Zach suspiciously, "That patch he has on his shoulder looks like the exact same one Chad had". That's when Panda lost it went marching up to Zach and asked him something he would've never expected. "Do you have ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING to with the hunters of this forest?" Panda asked sneering at him. "Y-y-you mean those hunters, n-no, I did then but not now" Zach replied shuddering at the thought of them.

Coco emerging from the shadows. "What do you mean then ?" Coco questioned suspiciously. "Um, d-don't you guys want to come to my cabin on this path?" Zach asked, trying to change the subject. "Why not," Panda said sarcastically. Unfortunately, they were already on their way.

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