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"On my count" Coco whispered "3,2,1 go!". They all ran out the exit which was about a yard away from them. "Oh boy, that was terrifying" Sunny said. "Well it's what we get for following a bunch of strangers!" Cherry groaned, still fresh with tears. "Wait Monica!" Cherry exclaimed and ran to the car to find her sprawled on the front seat snoring.

After they drove to the cabin Zach got out "I guess this is goodbye then" he said with a small tear in his eye, "I know it's only been less than 24 hours, but this has been the best day of my life!". He slowly walked to his cabin. "Oh yeah," he turned around "You guys can keep the car" and then he ran inside and shut the door so hard all the birds sitting at the tree next to it flew away.

The next few days passed in a whirlwind, they told nobody about the whole adventure and carried on with their own lives, but they knew, one day or the other, they would save Carter, one day or the other...

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