The Genie

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The next morning, the sun rose, beginning a new day. "Panda, get out of bed," Coco asked, trying to shove her off. "Come on, Sunny, wake up" Cherry pleaded hopelessly. Just then, Monica sashayed like she owned the place. "Let the professional do the job," she said importantly. "You'll have to be a bulldozer to get these to off the bed," Coco said sarcastically. Slightly frowning, Monica continued, "Panda the Laker's game is starting, and Sunny today's a holiday from school". Sunny jolted up, and Panda got off so fast she could've won the prize for human Flash. Sunny's "Did it start?", clashed with Panda's "Wahoo!!". "Get dressed, girls," Coco said sighing.

When Sunny and Panda got over the fact that Monica tricked them, they all finally ate their breakfast in peace. "So girls you remember last night?" Zach asked them, after looking at Carter. "Yeah, we all did," Sunny said, in a normal voice that Zach didn't expect. "Do you remember the genie" Carter asked carefully? Cherry dropped her spoon. Coco shivered. Panda spits out her water. "Something or the other yeah" Sunny remarked. She didn't have a thing for myths. Zach and Carter stared in disbelief. Sunny looked at them all, "What" she said defensively. "Okay whatever", Zach said shaking it off, " We're going at 4:00 P.M. sharp though"

They packed all the necessities for the mid-morning trip. Carter closed the door. "Where is this genie thing anyway," Panda asked suspiciously while getting in the back seat of a Nissan Pathfinder. "It's in a museum on the outskirts of the forest" Carter answered, turning on his GPS. "So what are we supposed to do", Sunny asked snorting. "Find a magic lamp??"

"No. According to my book," Cherry said her nose literally inches away from the book. She was sitting isolated on the back seat while reading half a dozen books. "Hey" Coco shouted from the front seat "Just 'cause I got the books doesn't mean ya' need to read them!" Cherry rolled her eyes and continued. Meanwhile, Panda and Carter (in the middle row) talked about how cartoons teach very valuable lessons?! Then Carter scooted a bit nearer to Panda, she immediately grinned and did the same, they did it a couple more times until they were holding hands.

BRAKE! Zach immediately turned the wheel to not crash. Coco rolled her eyes and yelled "Stop the car" The tires squealed as Coco got off her seat and onto the ground and went into the driver's seat, "Move over", Coco said with a disapproving look at Zach. Immediately, got out and got into the seat. Cherry on the other hand was looking at Panda in complete disgust. Panda looked at her. Cherry muttered something like, "You..."

The minute Coco got on the seat she drives perfectly to the museum but they were all in shock at what they saw...

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