04 | A fresh start

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- Chapter 04 -

A fresh start

'How is it going?'

Kuroko was expecting a different kind of message, a question why he didn't want them to be friends but instead, this message had arrived in his inbox after one minute. His previous excitement was soothed and curiosity was troubling his mind. He wanted to know more about the person, as to why she had messaged him.

TheBluePhantom: Everything is great, how about you?

He didn't know her yet he seemed to be talking to her with some kind of intimacy, a warm feeling rowing up to his chest.

When he re-attracted his eyes on the screen, he noticed another message waiting for him.

InsomniacAuthor (1 minute ago): I'm doing great, too :)

Kuroko closed the tab on his computer and opened a new one, remembering he had promised Kagami to help him search for some new athletic shoes, since his current ones were completely ruined by Nigou. As if on cue, the puppy jumped on his bed and rested besides him, balling itself. Kuroko stared at Nigou with curiosity; why did he want to go to sleep that early?

Realization hit Kuroko straight on the head. Once he had opened up the curtains of his window, the sun bid him his last good-bye before the night sky had completely taken over. The street lights were opened on cue, helping the few passengers to watch their step.

One more message and I'll do my homework, thought Kuroko, reloading the Wattpad tab and clicking on his inbox. He went straight to his messages with InsomniacAuthor, the bold letters announcing a new message from her.

InsomniacAuthor (5 minutes ago): Look, I'm sorry for before. I just joined Wattpad and when I discovered your conversations with other people back in the thread, I thought you would be a nice person to talk to since I haven't talked to anyone yet. But I just realized that you are one of the famous authors around here and you must have thought of me as a nuisance. . . But we can always start all over again. What do you say? :)

Kuroko felt happy for some reason. She seemed like a person who wouldn't fake it in order to learn more about him but, if all of this was just an acting, he could always ask Akashi for some ways to take revenge on someone.

TheBluePhantom: Sure.

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