16 | The root of evil

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- Chapter 16 -

The root of evil

InsomniacAuthor: I'm sorry.

TheBluePhantom: Okay.

InsomniacAuthor: I mean it.

TheBluePhantom: Yeah, okay.

InsomniacAuthor: Kuroko.

TheBluePhantom: What are you expecting me to say? That you're forgiven for ditching me and not showing up? For yelling at me out of nowhere? Everyone has their limits and I won't accept your apology unless you tell me what this is all about.

InsomniacAuthor:  . . . Fine. You're right. I'll explain it to you.

TheBluePhantom: Okay.

InsomniacAuthor: It all started about one year ago, basically. My older sister was in a car accident. She didn't make it. My parents and I aren't over it still. My father fell into depression and . . . He started having fights with my mother. I had a few fights with him but I permanently isolated myself in my room so I didn't have to face him again. Recently, they started fighting more and more. They announced to me two weeks ago that they'd take divorce and to be honest, I was expecting it. But a few days ago, my mother fell ill and she had to be admitted in the hospital. 

This is the main reason. I wasn't in the best psych. Hell, I haven't been in one and a half year now. My panic attacks have increased in the past few months and I can't even breathe properly if I ever leave my room constantly. I'm homeschooled because I can't take the pressure of being inside a classroom with everyone constantly judging me. My psychologist is basically my best friend now. I'm a total fuck up. Seriously, I am, and no one can deny it. I'm fucked in the head and I'm sorry. I really am. You're one of the most precious persons in my life right now and  I can't thank you enough for helping me all these months to

InsomniacAuthor: Sorry, wrong button. You helped me breathe. I can't type much right now because I'm acting up again but thank you. Very much. You're my precious friend.

TheBluePhantom: I don't know what to say. I really . . . don't. I can't say I feel sorry for you because I don't, all I feel is that I want to protect you. Because you're my precious friend too. I didn't know that you were getting through all of this these months all alone and I'm really angry for not knowing. I wish I could help you somehow. But I don't know how.

InsomniacAuthor: Mm yes. You don't have to, I'll be fine.

TheBluePhantom: Please don't lie.

InsomniacAuthor: No, I'll totally be. I'm sorry for burdening you with my sob story, I feel truly pathetic and such an attention whore when I'm spilling it out. But I'll be fine. I promise, honestly.

TheBluePhantom: How can you be so sure?

InsomniacAuthor: Because I have all of you around me :) 

TheBluePhantom: Plus Nigou, he wants to support you too.

InsomniacAuthor: THE DOGGO.

TheBluePhantom: Exactly, THE doggo.

InsomniacAuthor: I love him so much. More than you lmao.

TheBluePhantom: #betrayed :(

InsomniacAuthor: Gtg now, ily, bye

TheBluePhantom: See you

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