Nerd Alert • Hypothetically

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You:One date..and maybe, hopefully, many more after that.

I kiss his cheek and leave the room. I head to my bunk.


I turn around and see him running to me. He bumps into me causing me to lean back on my bunk. I look up and see his face close to mine. I blush and smile as he starts to blush as well.

He hands me his hoodie and I take it.

You:Are you sure?

Corbyn:Yea it gets cold at night so..

You:Thank little bean

Corbyn:You're welcome

We stand there, staring at each other smiling like idiots. We stayed there for a solid five seconds. Well, until we realized the boys were looking at us in confusion. We both look at them then back at each other. And that's when we realized how close we were. Corbyn clears his throat and steps away from me. I clear my throat as I set Corbyn's hoodie in my bunk.

You:I- uh...yea


Corbyn goes to his bunk and I head to the back room. I close the door and take a deep breath. I look through my luggage looking for clean shorts. I finally find a pair and change into them. I put my pants and socks in my luggage. I then went to my bunk, I'm about to get into my bunk when I catch the boys staring at me. I sigh as I walk towards them.

You:Ok if you have something to say then just say it.

Jonah:Are you and Corbyn dating?

You:What? No we-

Daniel:Do you like him?

Jack:Does he like you?

Zach:Are you guys just friends or something more?

Jonah:If I find out you two are dating..I mean I'm just saying

You:No! We're not dating ok? I-..Ok. Hypothetically speaking, if I did like him-

Zach:Oh my gosh you like him!

Daniel:I called it

You:I said hypothetically speaking! If I did what would you do?

Jonah:I wouldn't let you see Corbyn anymore.


Jonah:No buts y/n end of the conversation.

You:But..That wouldn't be fair..

Jonah:That's enough go to your bunk it's late.

You:I let you date Tate..she's my best friend.

Jonah:That's different

You:Jonah cut the crap, how is it different?

Jonah:Cause me and Tate actually love each other

I nod and he looks at me, instantly regretting what he said.

Jonah:I- I didn't mean it like that I-

You:No no no no you're right..I don't know what love is so..Anyways I'm gonna get some sleep. Night boys. Jonah.


I walk away before he could say anything. It hurt. I won't lie.


There I was. Sitting in the back of an ambulance, naked, with nothing but a thick red blanket to cover my body. Jonah was talking to some cops, the boys were investigating the scene, and Corbyn was next to me holding me tight and close as I cried hard into his chest.

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