Nerd Alert • Flynn Rider

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*Corbyns's POV*

Me and the boys went to y/n's place so I could talk to her. The boys came cause they wanted to make sure she was ok. Zach came along to apologize to her. We took the elevator up and when the doors opened I saw Pascal was hiding under a table with a scared look in his eyes. We got out the elevator. "Come here Pascal. It's ok. Come on. What's wrong?" I noticed he was holding a piece of paper in his mouth so I picked him up and took the paper from him. I opened it and read it.

Corbyn: Jonah..

Jonah: Yea?

Corbyn: What's her apartment number?

Jonah: 315 why?

Corbyn:..shit! Jonah call the police now!

I quickly handed Pascal to him and dropped the paper. I sprinted to her apartment. I wasn't even thinking. I opened the door. It was unlocked. I got in quietly and grabbed a baseball bat that was by the door. I gripped it hard and looked around. The place was a mess. I heard two voices, so I hid behind the corner. "A...Andrew please..please." "Shut the fuck up already!" After that she went quiet. I peeked around the corner and saw that she had gone unconscious. I looked in the mirror and there was his dirty face. Andrew. "Now it's time to have some real fun with you huh!" He looked up and saw my reflection. All I could think was fuck. I came out of hiding and made direct eye contact with him as he turned to me.

Corbyn: Don't fucking touch her.

Andrew: Yea?...or what?

Zach: You'll be sorry you did.

Andrew: What are you guys gonna do huh? She's mine now and I get to do whatever the hell I want with her.

Jonah: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Daniel: You're about to get yourself into some real deep shit.

Jack: Touch her...and we'll break you..especially him..

I didn't even have to look at him to know he was pointing at me.


Zach: She's mad at me.

Corbyn: And she left.

Jonah: What's going on?

Lera: Corbyn we have our lunch date! Can we go?

Corbyn: Lera...are you serious? I already told you no

Lera: It's because of her right?

Zach: Just tell them Corbyn..

Daniel: Tell us what?

Corbyn: Y/n..she..she still loves me..

Jack: What!

Jonah: Dude...

Lera: Do you love her?

Corbyn: What?

Lera: Do you or do you not love her!

I looked at the boys then back at Lera. This has been eating me up for weeks now. Lera's amazing..but she's not y/n.

Corbyn: Lera I..I'm sorry but you're not're an amazing woman but you're not y/n. I love y/n and not you. I never stopped loving her. I'm sorry. I gotta go get her..

And with that I left with the boys following me.

*End of flashback*

My grip on the baseball bat grew tighter and I clenched my fists.

Andrew: You know what? I'm gonna take her..and I'm gonna have fun with her. She's my pet now. So you see..I win.

I lost it with that, so I swung at him with the bat and threw it. I tackled him and started beating him up. In that moment I lost control of myself. The boys had to pull me off of him. He was still conscious which pissed me off.

Andrew: Aw you're not gonna finish the job?

Cop: No but we will. Hands up where I can see em' Hudson.

Andrew: Shit.

As the cop put Andrew in cuffs I ran to y/n. "Y/n? Please wake up. Please." I checked if she was breathing. She wasn't. I quickly did CPR on her as tears formed in my eyes. I hoped and prayed that she'd wake up. I love you y/n please wake up. I need you in my life. She woke up. Thank goodness. I quickly took off my hoodie and put it on her.

Corbyn: Thank god you're ok.

She wasn't ok. Bruises on her face. I was actually scared. I don't want to lose her.

*End of Corbyn's POV*

For the first time in forever Corbyn had tears in his eyes. I was so happy to see him. I started crying and hugged him tightly, staying close to him. He picked me and took me down to the ambulance just to make sure everything was ok with me. Corbyn stayed with me the whole time. I didn't want to be alone so I asked him to stay. After all that happened the boys grabbed most of mine and Pascals things and I went home with them. I didn't say anything the whole ride. Not even to Corbyn, who I was with the whole time. The only time I talked was when I asked him to stay with me. I was still scared and terrified. I was still shaking and my body was cold so I snuggled into his arms to feel safe. He wrapped his arms around me tight and held me close. His body warmth transferred onto me and it made me feel safe. Once we got home Corbyn helped me unpack my things. I never left his side and he never left mine. If he was leaving the room, he'd take me with him. If he was sitting on the floor, he had me in his lap. If he was putting stuff in the bathroom, I clinged onto him like a koala bear.

Corbyn: you hungry?

I shook my head no.

Corbyn: Come on y/n..please have to eat something I...

He looked down trying to hide something. I went to life his head but he walked away from me. I looked down not knowing what to do. He left the room. For the first time today I was alone. I didn't like it. The silence was so loud it drowned me. I held Pascal close to me and teared up. I got scared again. Maybe just any second now Andrew would barge into my room and finish the job. I hated this scared feeling. I let a few tears fall and started to slightly panic. I tried to calm myself down but only made it worse. I started to cry uncontrollably. I didn't know how to stop. My vision became blurry due to my tears but it scared me. I heard someone run into the room and hug me. I panic not knowing who it was.

Jonah: Hey hey hey it's just me it's me Jonah. It's ok.

I hugged him tightly and cried into his chest.

Jonah: Shhhhh it's ok you're safe now it's ok. You've got me, Jack, Daniel, Zach, and Corbyn ok? We're here to protect you. It's ok we're not gonna leave you alone.

His words calmed me down and I stayed close to him. This day left another scar.

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