Nerd Alert • It's Cold Outside

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-Time Skip-

So I may have messed up everything. Between me and Corbyn. That day. I don't know what I was thinking but now I'm stuck with my crush, in a bus may I add, for a another month. I decided to drop out of school, and stay on road with the boys. Only Jonah knows about that. Corbyn has been ignoring me, like what we had, never happened.

So I did want any other girl would do in this situation. I grabbed Corbyn's face and kissed him. He kissed back for a few minutes but then pulled away. I look at him confused.

You:What's wrong?

Corbyn:I don't know. I just thought our first kiss would be..a little more magical.

You:Did you-..not like it?..

Corbyn:No that's- I- you're a good kisser I just- it didn't feel how I thought it would.

*End of Flashback*

Long story short, me and Corbyn are no longer on speaking terms. Now that I think of it, Corbyn isn't on speaking terms with any of the boys. He turned into this cold, dark soul. I've only cried myself to sleep many times since then, but I'm great. Ok cut the crap. I'm not ok. I told him that I love him, and I still do! Then he just starts ignoring me? I've tried talking to him, but it's like he wants nothing to do with me. But, I'm just living my life. And by that I mean staying in my bunk all day while Jonah brings my meals. Life is some what great.

Jonah:Alright time to get out of your bunk. You've been in there for too long.

You:But I like being in here. It protects me from pain.

Jonah:Listen Corbyn's an idot.

You:He's not an idiot, he's just an idiot

Jonah:But I- never mind.

You:Can I stay here? In bed?

Jonah:No let's go come on

He grabs my legs and starts pulling me out of my bunk.


I grab onto the edge of the bunk and try to pull myself back in, but his strength is to much. He picks me up then puts me over his shoulder, I try to get out of his grip but I fail miserably.

Jonah:Just give up already.

You:Jonah put me down!

Jonah:Make me!

Corbyn:Put her down Jonah

I look up and see him. My palms are sweaty, I feel my heart pounding out of my chest, my knees are weak. But, he won't even look at me.

Jonah:Why should I?

Corbyn:Put her the hell down. Now.

You:Hey hey hey I'm ok, I'm fine

For the first time, in what felt like forever, Corbyn made eye contact with me. I felt butterflies fill up my stoamch. I look away as Jonah sets me down. Corbyn walks away without saying anything.

Jonah:Go get ready.


I go to the back room and close the door. I look through my luggage, looking for something to wear, and eventually I get ready.

*without the jacket*

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*without the jacket*

I put my shoes on and go to my bunk. I grab my phone and put it in my pocket as I put on my glasses. I go to the front of the bus where the boys are and they all stare at me.


Jonah:It's cold outside

Jack:And you look fucking se-

Daniel:Sensitive! You have sensitive skin don't you?

You:Uh..Yea but I'll be fine.

Zach:You sure?


Jonah:Alright let's go then

We all get off the bus and the cold air instantly puts an effect on me. I ignore it and follow the boys inside In-n'-out. Jon goes and orders for everyone while we find a table to sit at. I sit down at the end in front of Jonah and next to Zach. The cold air was bothering me but I tried not to show it. Eventually I started shivering and I just couldn't take it. I look at Jonah.

You:Jonah can I borrow your jacket please?

Jonah:Ahahaha I told you that it's cold you didn't wanna listen so now you deal with the consequenses

You:But Jonah I-

Jonah:I'm not listening

You:Zach can I-


You:You guys are mean. Jack, Daniel can I borrow one of your guy's jacket please?

Daniel:Hahaha! Hey you were the one who said oh yea but I'll be fine

Jack:Yea you chose not to put on a jacket so that's on you.

You:You guys are so mean to me, just let me borrow it please?

Jonah:Alright listen, we love you y/n but you chose not to wear a jacket so I'm sorry.

I was gonna ask Corbyn. But due to recent things that have happened, I decided not to. Plus it was to awkward.

You:Fine then I'll just go back to the bus and grab one.

Zach:Have fun with that. You won't last a second outside.

You:Wanna bet?

I was about to get up when Corbyn got up. He looked like he wanted to say something, causing all of us to look at him. Of course I didn't make eye contact. He took off his jacket as he walked towards me and put it on me. I looked up at him, shocked and accidently making eye contact. He had a cold look on his face.

Corbyn:Now stop complaining.

He went outside and headed back to the bus, leaving the rest of us in shock.

Jack:Ok wait did I miss something? He actually talked.

Zach:Y/n, have you and him been..

You:No..That's the first time he's talked to me.


Daniel:Guys we should head back it's almost past our time limit.

You:I'm just gonna use the bathroom real quick.

They all head back to the bus while I went to the bathroom. I did what I needed to do then walked out of the bathroom. As I was walking towards the doors, I felt someone staring at me. I got a bad feeling in my stomach, like something bad was about to happen. I was about to open the doors when I felt arms wrap around my waist, someone pulling my close to their body. I look and see a guy I've never seen before.

You:Uhm please leave me alone.

Guy:You look amazing especially in those shorts.

You:I just want to get back to my friends, can you let me go?


He let's go and I walk out the doors, rushing to get back to the bus. But it doesn't stop there. He starts to follow me, and I just know this won't end well.

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