Logan helps Virgil with love (Prinxiety)

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First chapter!! Let's go!

Warnings- none

"Hey Hot Topic!" Roman affectionately calls to me, as he leans against my doorframe. He used to pick at me a lot more before, but now all the names are used more as fun inside jokes.

I stop and look up and can't think straight when I see him wearing the most perfect make-up ever (for him, I wouldn't be caught dead in that bright red lipstick). Bonus points, he has his sword, which he casually rests on his shoulder. That just makes the butterflies in my stomach fly at ten times the speed. Usually, when I'm drawing, I like to do that in peace, but honestly, the feeling I get when I'm around him inspires me so much. I then realize I was staring. "Oh- um What's up, Prince-not-so-charming?" I try to say as nonchalantly as possible.

"Excuse you, I have evidence otherwise!" He says sassily and pulls out his phone. "Phone, phone, in my hand, who's the most charming prince in the land? Oh, look it's on selfie mode so it must be me!"

"Ok, whatever." I roll my eyes. "Just for the record, a child could do that."

"Yeah, well, umm.." He stammers.

"Wow, even at a loss for words you can't shut your mouth!"

"Says the one who was staring at me, whispering to himself about the butterflies in his stomach!" He says defensively.

I said that out loud? Before anything bad could happen, I jolt right past him out of the room. I rush to the only place I can think of, Patton's room. He can help! I get in there and shut the door behind me. When I look around, I see that he's nowhere to be found, but instead Logan is lying down reading on the bed. How did I forget?! Patton and Logan share a room.

"Virgil? May I inquire as to why you have come in here?" Logan looks up from his book.

"I, uh, I-I came to-to see P-patton." I start to breathe heavy, whether from running or fear I don't know.

"Well, I'm sorry to inform you that he is currently at the store right now, but I'm sure I can assist. What do you need?" He sits up and puts down his book.

"Well, usually I go to Pat with these things." I say sheepishly.

"Nonsense, I'm logic, therefore, I should be much better at solving your problems than him."

I think about it, and give in. "Ok, so, I'm having guy troubles."

"Please clarify, problems relating to being a guy, or problems relating to a guy."

"Yes, that last part."

"I see. So my hypothesis, is that there is a guy that you are romantically interested in, and you are coming for advice, correct?"

"Mostly. I've liked the guy for a few months now, and he's all I can think about. Well, we mostly pick on each other, but obviously, we don't mean it and it's all in good fun. Well, when I saw him earlier, he was gorgeous. I mean he always looks wonderful, but today it was just....wow." I started to stare off. Logan snapped twice to get my attention. "Right! So, I made a quick jab at him, about how he lost his words, and he said, that he the things I was thinking about him I said out loud."

"Ok, and what did you say?"

"I talked about how cute he was and how I felt butterflies in my stomach because of him, and." I choked up, I could feel the blush of embarrassment finally take over me. "Then when he said that he heard that, I ran right here. I ignored him calling after me. I'm certain he was only further making fun of me."

"Well, first, you have no evidence that he was making fun of you. Second, from my personal observation of humans, and how they interact, playful insults, can be a hint at romance, especially, for those who are way to nervous, or anxious to admit how they feel. Then again, this is based off of many literary fantasies. Although, if you'd rather not have him aware, you can perhaps lie to him, and say that you were talking about someone else. For example if you were watching television when the interaction happened you could say that you were referring to that guy on that show that you like. However, with your relationship, and dare I say, hatred, of a certain snake, you may not be that interested in lying to the guy."

"I hate that your right." I groan. "So, there's no way out of this?"

"I'm afraid not, although if you want creative solutions, you should go to Roman, besides, he is the most romantic side."

"Yeah, for the embodiment of logic, you're pretty dumb. How am I supposed to go to the man I love, for advice, about the man I love?" I start to raise my voice.

"Yes, I suppose that is a problem. Well, why don't you try to talk to Roman? I think it will be much easier than you think."

"Oh, alright, but if I die of embarrassment, I will kill you." I threaten.

"That's impossible."

"Thank you Logan."

"Of course Virgil, happy to help."

Before I can walk out the door, I hear Patton yell, from downstairs, "Logan, dear, I'm back!"

Then Logan runs out of the room, yelling something about Crofters.

Before I can leave the room to find Roman, I see him walk in. I've never seen Roman this nervous, ever.

"So, I-uh, I heard the conversation you just had with Logan. Is it true? Do you, like me?" He asks.

"You sound like, a first grader." I retort. "And yes, yes I do."

"Well, then you wouldn't mind if I did this." He took a few steps forward, and planted a kiss on my lips. It was the perfect combination of hard, and loose. His right hand rests on my head for a moment, before slowly trailing down to my lower back. His left hand loosely holds mine. We break for a breath and he nods toward the bed. We resume, and walk backwards, to our target destination. When we get there, I sit on the bed and he's bending down to reach me. 

Right as he starts to grab my shirt, a noise from the door, makes us split, and a very uncomfortable looking Patton says, "Pipe down, on the PDA please, ok kiddos! This is mine and Logan's room, if you are going to do something like that, at least be considerate and do it one of your own rooms, please. Also, congrats you two! Me and Logan have been shipping you two for a while! Now, if you two become a problem, we will ground you, understand?"

"Ye-yes, P-p-p-pa-Patton."

"Thanks kiddos! By the way, we've got food downstairs, whenever you're ready!"


"I am guessing they were making out, when you got up there, correct." Logan asks.

"Yep! I ship it!" Patton fangirls.

"You're adorable." Logan says.

What did you think? I hope you enjoyed my first real chapter! Please consider, commenting, voting, or requesting. Also, quick question before you go, would you like to meet my sides? Comment if you do! I'll see you next chapter!

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