Season Finale! (Remile)

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Warnings- Cursing (censored)

Remy's POV- Human Au

Ok, so I obviously knew about my boyfriend's adorable obsession with cartoons. I just didn't know how enthusiastic he was going to be for this.

I have only lived with Emile for a month, so I had no clue about how he treated season finales, until now.

One week earlier-

On Mondays, Emile usually wakes up at 8:30, considering he has his first session at 10. He usually doesn't wake me up either, at least that early. He usually just leaves me breakfast and coffee in the kitchen with a note saying something like, "Good morning sunshine! I will be back at 4:30 today. Remember we have dinner with my dads tonight! -Love, Emile!" Then texts me to wake me up an hour and a half later. Instead, he woke up at 6:45.

I felt him bouncing up and down on the bed. "One week until the season finale of (insert show here)!!"

"Em, darling?"

"Yes, Remy?"

"What time is it?"

"Six, forty-five...."

"What the h*ll? Not to be rude, honey, but what the f***?!"

"Oh, right! You don't know.... Whenever there's a season finale of a show that I watch, then I will usually wake up really early, for a while, because I'm really excited. Also it gives me time to research extra things about the show, and look at fan theories."

"That's great, love, seriously, but why do you have to wake me up?"

"Oh, sorry." He looked down. "I'll calm down, and let you sleep." He got up and started to walk out of the room.

"Emile, wait-" I start.

"No, it's fine. I get it." He sighs before walking off. I knew there was no arguing with him and decided to go back to sleep.

(End of flashback)

Now to yesterday-

He has still been waking up early, but has tried his best for me not to notice. I feel bad, but I can't talk him out of it. He's too stubborn. Although I have an idea to make up for it.

First, I convince him that I'm not feeling well. Then refuse to let him stay home. I call in sick to work. Once everything is out of the way, I will watch all of the episodes of the show to catch up.

"Holy f***!" I mutter seeing the episodes. "Over 100 episodes! Emile, you are so lucky I love you." I quickly do the math. It's 7:00 A.M. and today he gets home at 6:30 P.M., but I also have to account for the fact that he comes home for a one hour lunch break. 10.5 hours! That only about 21 episodes... Well, I'm watching them all before he starts the finale. I'll just have to stay up and watch it tonight.

I start the first episode, not wanting to waste any time. While the theme song plays, I set an alarm to 15 minutes before Emile gets home, so I can hide the evidence and act sick again. 


When my alarm goes off, I change the T.V. to make it look like I was watching some cooking competition or something. I decide to text Emile.

(By the way, credit to @-bloody-explosive for the contact names, because I couldn't think of any)

My Sweet Insomniac❤️❤️❤️☕

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